Conservative team targets HR 1, ballot fraud in Georgia and elsewhere – IOTW Report

Conservative team targets HR 1, ballot fraud in Georgia and elsewhere


The influential Conservative Partnership Institute today laid out plans to tackle decades of election irregularities and the Democrat’s new national election proposal, H.R. 1, naming noted attorney Cleta Mitchell to lead its Election Integrity Coalition.

Mitchell, who helped advise former President Donald Trump during his fight over the election results in several states, including Georgia, will focus on legal training and support for conservatives and coordinate challenges to schemes to liberalize elections.

“My role with CPI is to help bring all these strings together and to keep the multiple tracks that we need to deal with. And my role with them is to try to help support the efforts of others, figure out what’s missing, what people are doing, talking to each other,” she told Secrets.

“I’ve had my finger in so many different pieces of the election integrity pie for so long,” she said shortly after organizing a call with 20 organizations focused on the issue. more

8 Comments on Conservative team targets HR 1, ballot fraud in Georgia and elsewhere

  1. Here in the small, ignored, Doros infiltrated state of Maine the Democrats who run every branch of govt are bringing up bills to put ranked choice voting in our state Constitution, replacing the plurality rule. They are also introducing bills to lower voting age to 16, expand no excuse absentee and early voting by months and the same things Pelosi is pushing.
    The Dirty Dems are running with this stuff in hopes of stealing the mid terms all over the country.

  2. Reforms guaranteeing election integrity are essential. No matter who wins the voters need to be assured that the win was legitimate or there will be no confidence in government and people will be set against one another as a result (what we’re seeing now).

    A house divided against itself cannot stand.

    I don’t understand how anyone believing in our system of government could oppose this.

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