Conservatives Deserve Better Than The GOP – IOTW Report

Conservatives Deserve Better Than The GOP

Parker Beauregard | The Blue State Conservative-

I have voted Republican my entire life. What other choice have I had? In the last few elections, Democrats have trotted out John Kerry, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden. You might as well vote for Trotsky.

Sadly, what has my lesser-of-two evils approach gained? Except for Trump, who they openly hated, Establishment Republicans have returned the favor by running deep state neocons dating back to Herbert Walker. Dole? McCain? Romney? What the actual hell?

And let’s not pretend that the problem of turncoat GOP operatives is limited to the Oval Office. The latest infrastructure bill, more aptly named F***You, America bill, was greenlit by far too many Senators with an (R) behind their name and twice as many Republican congresspersons as Democrats said to bring it on. Making matters worse – if that’s possible – they shoved this giant middle finger up middle America’s rear end a mere week after everyone turned out in Virginia and New Jersey to say no to Democratic tyranny. Again, what the actual hell. more

27 Comments on Conservatives Deserve Better Than The GOP

  1. Us rubes in flyover country haven’t had representation in DC since Calvin Coolidge. There were some spurts with RR and DJT or Newt but it’s tough when the cushy lifestyle means more to a pol than his country.

    I could set Ryan or Boehner on fire and sleep like a baby.

  2. Pretty much what I’ve said the last 32 years. 1 big exception; Gore would have been much better than GWB! Bush hired/promoted thousands of radical leftist to top positions. Gore would never had had the nerve to go so far to the left. Some names of NeoCommie/Leftists GWB promoted/hired: only those you all SHOULD know) Brennen, Clapper, Comey, l Lerner, Mueller, Rosenstien, Wray~! Al may have had the nuts to hire one or two of these; and a few hundred of the other thousand os neoCommies GWB hired. – but I say less than 20% of those Bush did!

    I hoop this disclaimer is superfluous I HAVE BEEN CONSERVATIVE FOR OVER 70NYEARS . I DID NOT VOTE FOR THE RONNY HATERS YOU LISTED. I am biased.

  3. Belly aching about establishment(turncoat) Republicans solves nothing. We know they exist and we know how detrimental/antithetical they are to our purpose. Removing them from the process is the only viable solution that I can think of.

    Like it or not this is the system we have in place. If you decide to remain here you can do what the majority of people do, stay dumb, un-informed and blissfully ignorant, secure in your little bubble of reality, or you can actively support good candidates for office and work towards removing the bad ones. They are supposed to represent our interests, when they stray from this endeavor, fire them.

    Related, there are a number of former Navy Seals running for office:

    Although former military service is not a guarantee of patriotism (Kinzinger, Buttigeg) I would guess that the tip of the spear, the really bad ass combat veterans, have a much better understanding of the necessities of fighting those tenets of American exceptionalism.

  4. You’ll know you’re a Conservative if you keep a copy of the U.S. Constitution near your computer and refer to it fairly often. I’ve not known many ‘Republicans’ who did that.

    (Just an observation.)

  5. Face it, the GOP doesn’t serve us or deserve us. I’m don’t play the “Hold your nose and vote for the squishy “R” game. Case in point, I voted for Lindsey Graham the very first time he ran, never since. What the Hell are we supposed to do when our supposed allies are as bad as the enemies of freedom?

    For the life of me I’ll never understand why Trump paid that worm Graham any attention at all considering his record.

  6. The system cannot be fixed. It must be dismantled and rebuilt. Fortunately, we have the blueprints that were left for us by our founding fathers.

    “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are … endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…. That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men…. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. … Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Declaration of Independence (1776).”

  7. @mystaclean November 14, 2021 at 1:55 pm

    > Fortunately, we have the blueprints that were left for us by our founding fathers.

    Yeah. The only reason the republic turns out the way it does, everywhere it’s been enforced, every time it’s been enforced, is because the right super special people haven’t been put in charge. Yet.

    If only the Bolsheviks would learn.

  8. Maybe I’m just negative Nancy but I do not believe that the government we have today can be brought back into line by voting out a few. One bad apple spoils the bunch kids and there are bushels and bushels and bushels of bad apples.

    It’s not just the House and the Senate. It’s the Judiciary, it’s the lobbyists, the staffers, the whole stinkin’ bunch of them.

    Joe good guy unseats Mr. corrupt politician. Joe good guy doesn’t really know jack shit about the processes, the procedures and how things get done. But there are people who are very willing to teach him. But those teachers are part of the corrupt machine. if he’s sharp, he’ll recognize this. But these people are slick. They’ve had decades to hone their craft.

    Let’s say that Joe manages to not hire them or take any advice from them. He’ll quickly find out that in order to get appointed to a committee that has any ability whatsoever to get anything done, he must kiss some rings. He must go along to get along or it will be made apparent to the people that elected him that he can’t get anything done. The same bad actors that have corrupted the system will make certain (with the very willing help of the media) that he is ineffective. If that doesn’t work he’ll be implicated in some scandals. Whether real or fabricated makes no difference. The truth is what the corrupt machine says it is and if it should come to pass to be proven false in the future, the damage will be done. Joe will not longer be in office.

    Any legislation he creates will die. He will be ignored, shunned and stabbed in the back.

    No, the political class knows what their Kryptonite is which is why our nation has political prisoners rotting in jail for walking around in a government building. The political class still fears the people. We just have to be bold enough to make their nightmare come true.

  9. The GOP is a part of the corruption, not a solution.

    Typical of their ‘best’ is Mike Pence. What a bum he turned out to be when it came time to defend our nation.

    The bottom line: FUCK THE GOP – as ‘our’ party, they’re dead. They’re merely some people who MIGHT vote along with us, if it pays for them.

    Vote for the candidate, NOT THE PARTY.

  10. Tom Tancredo was one of the Joe good guys of which you speak. Wouldn’t play along and was relegated to a small basement office with the minimum allotment of staffing dollars. Never was supported in his reelection bids by the R party.

    He proposed legislation that would have stopped this illegal immigration crap but the Rs, again, never stepped up.

    He quit after 4 terms to run for President with illegal immigration his priority. Got hammered and shooed away.

    Too bad, not many men or women around willing to take the arrows. Even Rs in solid districts with the dems not even bothering to run someone won’t speak up. Makes me sick.

    And the fact is primaring these types is a lost cause. They’ve been bringing home the big bucks for ag or oil or whatever and will pour on the dollars when an upstart wants to upset the apple cart.

    That’s just the way it is. Aside from what I see as the only recourse, term limits might help but getting these scumbags to relinquish an iota of their power is hopeless.

  11. @RadioMattM

    Good article, BTW. It’s interesting that you mention Newt Gingrich, his Contract With America, promulgated almost 30 years ago, was the last time a serious politician even mentioned radical concepts like managing deficits and reducing the national debt. Even Trump couldn’t be bothered with the simple economics of out of control spending.

    “We need to start a new party.”

    What core principles would be the pillars of this new party? What would you offer dis-affected marginalized Republicans to jump ship. We have had this discussion before, something I’m always willing to re-visit since what we’ve done before is not working.

  12. Ronna McDaniel needs to go.
    She’s dragging the GOP into identity politics now. Making the “Log Cabin” (gay) Republicans front and center to pander for votes.
    Either you stand for real Republican/ Constitutional values or you don’t. No one needs to be separated out for anything like sexual preferences or skin color, which will be her next push.

  13. @rich taylor: What should a new party do? I think pretty much everything people have been saying against the current state of affairs including what you said about spending.

    Perhaps Trump did not specifically address spending, but I would suggest he was working on the principle that if the measures he pushed were enacted, reduced spending would fall into place. While that may or may not have worked, Trump may have also figured that if he did not accomplish other things first, there was no way he could have gotten spending reduced.

  14. @RadioMattM

    “I think pretty much everything people have been saying against the current state of affairs including what you said about spending.”

    Yes, I was hoping you mention a few specifics. I’ve some of my own and am always interested in what others think on this.

    While Trump was exemplary in understanding how getting government out of the way can unleash market forces to super charge an economy, he did nothing of substance to reduce the size of government or entitlement spending. He campaigned on the promise to eliminate the nation’s debt in 8 years. Of course that was ridiculous but I thought that since he was a “business” guy, not a politician, that he would understand a balance sheet, profit/loss statements, and the need for fiscal accountability. TBF, his last year was marred by covid relief spending but under his watch the national debt increased by about 40%.

    You should write more often on your blog, I would read it.

  15. Sadly, there is nothing left to support in the US.
    The US is no longer a Constitutional Republic.
    People of the entire world voted for Biden, the legal voters, the dead, the illegals, the non-citizens, the Microsoft based voting machines, and every stinking Obama judge undermining the law and truth.
    Those possessed by the Demon’s spawn known as Demoncrats, Facebook, Twitter and Google rank equal.
    Second in line to this evil is the GOP (with the exception of very few) who sat there with their thumbs up the asses blabbering “we’re going to censure you”.
    I would love to inspect the traitors coin Pence received after certifying the stolen election.
    We are now subjects of Barry (the Anti Christ) Sotero’s third term in office with his weekly White House teleconferences directing an incoherent and incontinent old man as a President.
    We have the False Prophet known as the Pope (the Black Pope no less) telling Catholics that ‘Jesus ‘ Yeshua is not the Son of God and by the way, DICK Durbin and Biden can’t have communion anymore.
    As a white male with proud European roots, I am now a 4th class citizen being denied my Medicare, Health Care, and soon Social Security since I am not a Mexican or (as Biden says) Negro all because I will not take the death shot.
    So after taxing my income for 75 years I no longer get the benefits that I paid for. I think I just became an illegal
    I live in THE MOST CORRUPT STATE OF THE USA called ILLINOIS and have to listen to an OBESE Billionaire Californian elected as Governor tell me I’m soon going to an internment camp for refusing the clot-shot all because my IQ is bigger than his waist size.
    Sadly folks the end of the USA has arrived, the Entire World has turned against Israel including the USA and we ARE living in the end times.
    I live day to day fearing God and praying for protection against this EVIL that has taken over the formerly great USA.

  16. I will vote against a democrat every. single. time. No exceptions ever! The party is evil in every way imaginable. Doesn’t mean RINO’s are good, they are despicable and need to be voted out in the primaries. If they are not, I’ll still vote for them and against the democrat. Doesn’t mean I’ll like it.


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