Conservatives Dreading a Martha McSally Senate Win in Arizona – IOTW Report

Conservatives Dreading a Martha McSally Senate Win in Arizona

Town Hall: After Arizona Senator Jeff Flake announced he was not running for reelection to the U.S. Senate, three prominent candidates entered the race. One is conservative Kelli Ward, a former state legislator who ran unsuccessfully for Senate against John McCain. A second candidate is former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who many do not believe is a serious candidate at age 86. The third well-known candidate in the race is Rep. Martha McSally, a liberal Republican who represents a Democratic leaning district in Arizona. The Arizona Daily Independent reports that John McCain is pushing her candidacy.

Ward appeared to be leading in the race until Arpaio jumped in. Now, the conservative base is split between Ward and Arpaio loyalists, giving McSally the lead. Arpaio is in third place. McSally is averaging 10 points ahead of Ward. Some Ward supporters are urging Arpaio to drop out of the race, but so far he has not. According to One News Now, “If Arpaio were removed from the equation, it’s likely that Ward could defeat McSally in the August 28 primary.”

Arizona conservatives are tired of liberal Republicans representing them in the Senate. The state is still fairly conservative, unlike a state such as Maine which has liberal Republican Senator Susan Collins. Arizona would be better represented by a solid conservative.

McSally has a poor record in Congress as one of the more liberal Republicans in Congress. The American Conservative Union rates her voting record as less conservative than McCain and Flake. Yet she is now pretending to be a conservative, talking tough on immigration. more

17 Comments on Conservatives Dreading a Martha McSally Senate Win in Arizona

  1. I know this is not exactly the topic, but why in the hell is McCain still drawing a paycheck? Why hasn’t he resigned? He’s done quite enough damage to the country.
    What a bitter, spiteful old man.

  2. If McCain endorses her its a red flag for anyone with half a brain. Trump needs to toss a bone to Arpaio and get him out of the way. The last think we need in the senate is a Flake clone.

  3. Ms. Adams has it spot on. Make the call DT and remind Joe about the nice favor you did him. At 86 years of age you have done your job Mr. Arpaio and we thank you. Now please don’t split the ticket in this very important race.

  4. Ah yes, the old re-election two step. McSally, (the female version of fast talking Ben Shapiro), glommed onto Trump ala Eddie Haskell style, and it seems to be working.

    I still can’t understand why Arizonans have not demanded a replacement for McCain. Talk about taxation without representation, the POS hasn’t cast a vote since his famous thumbs down middle finger to Trump, ACA repeal. I remain skeptical as to his health status, as he’s the longest living survivor of glioblastoma.

    Are there no electable tea party-esque candidates in all of AZ?

  5. With few exceptions most people that run for elected office are opportunistic parasites looking for a way to enrich themselves. Decent people go about their busy life’s and don’t care to associate with the kind of scum in politics.
    You needn’t look no further than this low rent strumpet to see the point.

  6. I’m proud of my Scots heritage and am part of Clan Donald USA. Who the phuck is Clan Sally? Did her family just make some crazy Scots-sounding name up out of thin air? Must be Irish. That would also explain the crazy.

  7. I hate Arpaio. He’s only in it at the behest of establishment Repubs. to split Ward’s base. The thing that really pisses me off are the idiots who will actually vote for him. They are so predictably dumb that his plan will work. I’m almost tempted to vote for the Dem. just to keep Martha McShitstainII from the position, but that would be worse. Hopefully Sheriff Joe will have a change of heart, or a change of health before the primary.

  8. Don’t sit around and grouse about it. Do something. Everyone has 10 bucks. 5 bucks. Whatever.

    Electing a conservative Senator, 1 of 100, is an investment.
    For every American, not just Arizonans.

  9. Faux conservative, Hugh Hewit endorses McSally, so Ward is the one to vote for on the 28th.

    I listen to Hugh as much as I can tolerate. I call it my opposition input. He always sounds like he’s Eddie Haskelling his audience.

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