Conservatives line up to sign letter, demand WaPo stop pretending Jennifer Rubin is ‘conservative’ – IOTW Report

Conservatives line up to sign letter, demand WaPo stop pretending Jennifer Rubin is ‘conservative’

BPR: Dozens of the nation’s top conservatives outside government have penned a letter to The Washington Post demanding that it stop referring to anti-Trump columnist Jennifer Rubin as a conservative.

“In truth, it is nearly impossible to discern any conservatism in Rubin’s contemporary writing. Since the election of President Donald Trump, she has sided against conservatives on a dizzying array of issues,” they wrote in a letter dated Oct. 3.

The several dozen signers — including former Heritage Foundation president Jim DeMint, Media Research Center founder Brent Bozell, Susan B. Anthony List chief Marjorie Dannenfelser — then cited a litany of examples to bolster their point.

Whereas Rubin used to be against business-crushing taxes, freedom-inhibiting gun control laws and unrestricted immigration, for instance, she now supports all three because of Trump, whom she appears to loathe with an unhealthy passionREAD MORE

12 Comments on Conservatives line up to sign letter, demand WaPo stop pretending Jennifer Rubin is ‘conservative’

  1. If her favorite Presidents Bush+Obama are conservative then she is. If the President she hates – Ron – is conservative then to call her conservative is to lie.

    BTW I figured out the America haters at Post were liars in 1950. So of course Bush. Obama, and she are not conservative.

  2. She looks like she chews betel nut. Like most leftists sooner or later that inner anger comes out. She could no longer contain her rage. I’m sure she’ll remain popular with the NYC assholes.

  3. willysgoatgruff – I like toasted rye, with kraut and 1000 Island Dressing – Delicious indeed

    She’s one of those ‘Compassionate Conservatives’* Bush always talked about
    *A Liberal that likes to call themselves conservative

  4. A picture can say a thousand words.
    Were she at say a Kid’s team pool party every Conservative guy there would avoid that Woman like the Plauge, knowing She will Judge like a Liberal and offer no Fun at all.

  5. She’s no different than other “conservatives” who tried to sink Donald Trump.
    Erick Erickson: Trump exudes incompetence and instability. I expect(Trump supporters) to experience an electoral bloodbath in 2018 and,perhaps, lose a generation of voters.

    Trump may not know what he’s going said Kevin Williamson of National Review,.com But he’s done nothing yet that rises to the level of an impeachable offense. “It’s not unconstitutional to be a fool.”
    These are wonderful Republican/Conservatives are they not?


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