Conservatives raise THOUSANDS on GoFundMe after AOC tweets about her abuela’s horrible living conditions – IOTW Report

Conservatives raise THOUSANDS on GoFundMe after AOC tweets about her abuela’s horrible living conditions

This here, is a well- played troll. AOC gets humiliated, and an elderly woman gets her home fixed.


In response to a recent tweet from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez showcasing the squalid conditions her abuela lives in to “score political points,” Daily Wire host Matt Walsh has set up a GoFundMe to “save her home.”

“As you’ve heard, @AOC’s abuela is living in a dilapidated home that was ravaged by Hurricane Maria. AOC is unable to help her own grandma for whatever reason, so I have set up this Go Fund Me campaign to save her home. Please give if you can. #HelpAbuela,” wrote Walsh on Twitter.

Walsh states on the GoFundMe that “One cannot be certain of the cost to repair grandma’s house, but surely most of the work could be completed for the price of AOC’s shiny Tesla Model 3.”

“As AOC pointed out  to us, we ‘don’t even have a concept for the role that [incredibly successful children of two American citizens…] play in their families,’ but clearly caring for their own grandparent isn’t part of it,” states the GoFundMe. “Says the congresswoman, ‘…instead of only caring for [my own grandmother] & letting others suffer, I’m calling attention to the systemic injustices…'”

“Sadly, virtue-signaling isn’t going to fix abuela’s roof. So we are,” says Walsh. more here

23 Comments on Conservatives raise THOUSANDS on GoFundMe after AOC tweets about her abuela’s horrible living conditions

  1. Fuckin Stooopid.

    The socialist achieved her goal. Someone else paid. Stooopid.

    Medicine & welfar keeps takers alive and drags on human achievement.
    AOC could easily take out a loan for 20K and send it to GamGam at the lowest interest rates of recent time.

    walsh got played

  2. Kcir- But the casual left, the elderly, and independents don’t see that. They’re not wired that way.
    They just see a rich young woman abandoning her nana.
    Shame! Shame on her!!!

  3. With kcir….

    Walsh you got played by a socialist….
    AOC has the money…
    I think her family has the money….
    but she got someone else to pay their bill.

  4. Should have made the post, but not collect any money…if that is even possible. The socialist bitch got someone to do what she should have done. Now she can fight the good fight to shut down “evil” jails. I f***ing hate her.

  5. I had no idea AOC drove a Tesla. Barmaid has some expensive tastes now. Good for the little capitalist gal.

    And I wouldn’t worry about Walsh paying for abuela’s house. GoFundMe will shut down the whole embarrassing thing for AOC. Which will only make the trolling more spectacular.

  6. Walsh’s point is that while an egotistical relative of Lassie won’t help her own Grandmother, the kindness of people will. This is not socialism — it is proving that Americans are, always have been, and always will be the kindest, most charitable people in the world.

    AOC wanted socialism. Walsh is proving there is a better way.

  7. A few members of my church are from PR and still have family there. They tell me that the Democrat-run government of PR deliberately warehoused all the billions of material aid that Trump sent down there, just to make Trump look bad.

    Some of it is still in warehouses, rotting and rusting. The rest of it the corrupt Democrat Party of PR has sold on the black market and pocketed the money. That’s pure Evil, right there

  8. Keira, I disagree. Walsh et al are being charitable and helping out someone AOC won’t. At the end of the day, the Abuela gets help and AOC looks like the loser she is—double win!

  9. Way to go dumbasses. This rich bitch doesn’t take care of her grandmother. Instead of shaming her into it, the people who donated gave her a way out. Absolute morons.


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