Consoling Schumer – IOTW Report

Consoling Schumer

Do your best. [Or worst. lol]

27 Comments on Consoling Schumer

  1. Schumer, evil personified.
    Obama, Boehner, McCONnell, McCarthy, Pelosi, Jeffries, Schumer, Dickless Durbin, Samantha Powers, AOC and many others who serve in Congress should show and explain (under oath) how they became Millionaires while “serving” our Nation.

  2. Regardless of the amount of pain they may feel, they will never take the blame for their self-imposed predicament.

    And, that amount of pain will never be enough to compensate for their actions.

  3. Loosing the income from the corruption is nothing to compare the wrath of the population once the truth becomes clear. When the extreme libtards realize they have been conned there will be violence.

  4. chuckie was well acquainted with the Hollywood Madam Heidi Fleis back in the day.
    chuckie is in photos with very young girls. chuckie has been to Epstein Island a bunch and chuckie is probably in the middle of the Ukrainian kickbacks, USAID graft and other delights. chuckie is also crapping his pants daily because of.

  5. I saw him at Reagan Airport once. He had a bunch of bodyguards around him. I suppose he needed them. He got through security real quick. I almost yelled out “Hey Sen. Schemer, how’s it going?”. I caught myself in time. His bodyguards could have interpreted my greeting as a threat. BLAM BLAM. It could have been the last thing I ever said.

  6. Mrs Schumer doesn’t call herself Mrs Schumer. Her name is Iris Weinshall and when Rudy Giuliani was Mayor of New York City he picked her to run NYC’S Dept. of Transportation. She was a decent Commissioner who actually kept the traffic moving and was scandal – free .


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