Conspiracy Liz – IOTW Report

Conspiracy Liz

Patriot Retort: I don’t know if you noticed it, but Elizabeth Warren is tanking in the polls.  And apparently, in an effort to boost her cred among the more unhinged segment of the Democrat base, Liz decided to go full-on Conspiracy Theorist.

Appearing on Meet the Press yesterday, Conspiracy Liz actually claimed that President Trump only ordered the strike against the smoldering carcass formerly known as Qassem Soleimani in order to distract from his impending impeachment trial.

I guess backtracking on calling the terrorist murderer a murderer wasn’t enough for old Conspiracy Liz.

Now this “distraction” conspiracy theory has been floating around Twitter since moments after the strike was confirmed.  It was even advanced by renowned foreign policy analyst Alyssa Milano. more

10 Comments on Conspiracy Liz

  1. Everything is a distraction from dem talking points if it doesn’t include at least one of: Impeachment, Racism, Russia.


    Squirrel! (distraction)
    Russian Squirrel! (not a distraction)

  2. I heard today on the radio that Soleimani’s remains (what they could find) were sent to Iran on a commercial airliner in 3 cardboard boxes! In coach! Hahahahahahaha

  3. Tony R
    JANUARY 6, 2020 AT 6:36 PM
    “I heard today on the radio that Soleimani’s remains (what they could find) were sent to Iran on a commercial airliner in 3 cardboard boxes!”

    …hey, it happens, no explosives needed.

    …we once took a guy to the hospital who was the victim of a rather nasty motorcycle accident in several convenient bags.

    …seems “Kurt” was a bit tipsy one dark night, and the electrical system on his bike wasn’t up to the task of making visible illumination. Ar least that’s what the semi that hit him (and his friends at the pub) said.

    The truck probably didn’t kill him, just knocked him into the left lane.

    Where the five or so cars that subsequently ran over and shredded him, most definitely DID kill him.

    ..we were called out at 0-dark-early to clean up this mess…and there’s no other word for it. Dude was strewn over all 3 lanes of a quarter-mile of Interstate, and it had to be handled as a hazmat incident for the blood alone, never mind the shredded meat. We went around with scene lighting and box flashlights, doing things like “what’s THAT? It’s a boot. Hey, there’s still some FOOT inside it!”, for HOURS, till the sun came up. Each part had to be marked with orange paint under where we found it, for the investigation. The highway looked like it had measles the next day.

    …we were routed to the mourge by the squad captain, where a Peter Lorre impersonator peeked in the bags and said “cool, but we can’t take him. He’s not dead.”. When we started to question the apparent illogic of suggesting that multiple, and increasingly whiffy, bags of roughly severed body parts somehow still constitute a living human being, he said that, until a doctor declares him dead, in writing, dead he is not. And no docs would be at the mourge for hours yet, and pathologists don’t do that anyway.

    …so, we schlepped our bags of bygone biker over to a nearby University Hospital, where a punchdrunk resident late in his call ambled out to our currently literal meat wagon, breifly looked at our fleshy jigsaw puzzle, and signed the necessary documents so we could discharge our permanently patient patient to his interim resting place before he could really get established as a fly farm for the ages.

    …after which, I found out about the second-worst job I ever heard of. We got a call from the mourge later telling us “you didn’t get him all”. Remember when I said “Fleshy Jigsaw Puzxle”? Seems that some doubtlessly unhappy individual had been tasked with trying to piece our Humpty’s mortal shell back together again, and had dscovered gaps in his design after our part bags had bern empty. Nothing loathe, since there was still an active investigation on the currently closed highway, we went back to the well with the aid of daylight and found a bit more chunkage, but not the bits they were looking for.

    But folks who had by now heard the news story started showing up at the house, saying they had driven through there and hit what they thought was a dead animal, but maybe wasn’t?

    …and so, from this grill and that undercarrage on multiple vehicles, we finally got enough to satisfy Igor down at the bone bank.

    …I would imagine something on that order was done for “Obama’s” favorite murderer too, only more difficult because of the “Pink Mist” factor from the use of military ordnance instead of chrome bumpers.

    …that’s probably why they used a Chevy pickup, they wanted a crap vehicle they could throw out WITH the dead guy chunky spray paint instead of having to CLEAN that oderifourous nastiness up, and every OTHER manufacturers’ pickup truck was too valuable, so the Chevy was used for the purpose that ALL modern GMs are best suited for, as a four-wheeled garbage can…

  4. The Dems have been all in on their own distraction since We The People HIRED Trump to do the job. This has all been NOTHING but payback against US deplorables for not electing one of them.
    I haven’t seen much of the country’s business being addressed while they’ve been playing impeachment, so what are they doing for they’re grossly large salaries?
    Time for some REAL impeachment.


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