Constantly being on your cell phone is going to get you killed – IOTW Report

Constantly being on your cell phone is going to get you killed

Chinese girl distracted by phone has leg stuck in storm drain
Chinese girl distracted by phone has leg stuck in storm drain

NYP: Stupid is as stupid does, the saying goes. Today, stupid increasingly finds itself in emergency rooms, thanks to “distracted walking.”

Yep: More and more folks, preoccupied with phones, tablets and so on, are walking straight into fountains at the mall, as a security video has shown, or right off of train platforms — and even darting out on New York City crosswalks.

Urban Dictionary’s name for it: Pedtextrian.  MORE


26 Comments on Constantly being on your cell phone is going to get you killed

  1. How about distracted parenting? I see people with small children and devices all the time. They are so engrossed in the devices that someone could just blow past them, kidnap the kid, and it wouldn’t even register with these jerks.

  2. Sitting at a turn signal, it’s a crapshoot whether you’ll get through if you are the fourth car in line. And everybody looks like a drunk driver “Failure to Maintain Lane” these days.

  3. i even see this daily in the marine gym of all places

    at a time when situational awareness is imperative, the troops in the gym are mostly on their phones between sets, clueless to their surroundings

    and if you can get on the base, it would be easy to bring an ak or other weapon and take full advantage of marines and sailors not paying attention

    i am surprised that leadership has not made an apparent effort to change the thinking

  4. While driving through a college town once a month on the way to IDPA match, I have to be careful of scantily clad coeds (not in winter, usually) walking out in front of my truck while they’re on their mobile devices. Of course, I’M paying attention to aforementioned scantily clad coeds, so they’re easy to avoid.

    These days, young women are nothing but skin and phones.

  5. Whole families sitting in a restaurant, all mutually ignoring one another.

    Smart phones are also killing interaction and good old fashioned arguing. Now, everyone tries to fact check with Siri or Google.

    Also, the enviro-idiots and climate change crowd complain about my truck spewing carbon. Has anyone ever really considered how much carbon the smart-device infrastructure alone – not to mention recharging and manufacturing – adds to the atmosphere? Me? I think carbon dioxide is just plant food (my trees and ta’maters love it), but these idiots who think every little ounce is criminal, need to start looking at their own behavior.

  6. Darwin has acquired a most useful and effective tool.

    Walking and phinger phucking their I-Slab usually just injures them. DRIVING and doing so has damn near knocked me off my motorcycle before I can react to them not staying in their lane or bothering to stop for a red light.

    I don’t ride the bike all that much. Mostly I’m in my work truck and they’ll lose that contest.

    Why do people seemingly HAVE to do this behind the wheel?

    This is not a rhetorical question. Help me out here.

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