Constitution Day – IOTW Report

Constitution Day

19 Comments on Constitution Day

  1. OT but kind of related as it’s patriotic….We have a 150 mile garage sale that starts in Colorado and ends in east central kansas on hwy 36….
    I bought an American flag that was on a Vietnam veterans casket….It’s 5×9.5, 100%cotton and all of the stars are beautifully embroidered…..Is it a sin to fly it?…What can I do with it?….Donate it to a VFW?….It’s 100% cotton so it will go to shit in the Kansas weather….Any ideas?….

  2. Thanks Jethro…..I’ve been troubled by it since I bought it…..I couldn’t understand why the family was willing to let it go, so I bought it to fly it or find it a proper home….The Veterans name was Rod Berry….

  3. A day honoring a document enacting freedoms the world starves for and most American citizens take completely for granted.

    We now have generations of Americans who believe and support Communist deadly doctrines and don’t have any idea what the U.S. Constitution represents or how it protects them.
    Also, our government is ruled by multiple enemies from foreign nations and traitors.

    Relativity, not absolutes are the cultural mandate. The constitution is an “old” racist document to be treaded on and ignored according to those who hate liberty. That’s an effective way to exterminate this great country.

    Yet, in the mist of turmoil are cries for justice. Will the ones who know the Godly life affirming covenants in the constitution win or will the forces of evil continue tearing The United States apart?
    Without the U.S. Constitution, the answer is obvious – the country as it was founded will be lost.

    Undeniable but ofen denied, God alone has the ability to restore The United States of America and our Constitutional Republic.
    However, will He anytime soon or at all. Time truly will tell.

  4. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ SUNDAY, 17 SEPTEMBER 2023, 21:12 AT 9:12 PM

    …Antietam also changed the course of the war because it was enough of a Union victory after nothing but defeat that allowed Lincoln to roll out the Emancipation Proclaimation, effectively temoving any support that antislavery England had or was considering to get the cotton from the South going to the English textile industries again…,of%20Antietam%20only%20days%20earlier.

    …you can decide for yourself if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but its impossible to deny it was one of the major hinges of history that reverberates even today…

  5. A great document to be sure but ultimately it’s just ink on paper. Without the will of good people enforcing the Constitution it’s pointless. Words on paper are always trumped by the actions of people. Either good or bad people.

  6. @SNS ~ I believe the battle of Antietam was impetus enough for England & France to reconsider their support for the Confederacy …. besides, they were very weak ‘supporters’ to begin with, & only supported the Rebel Cause because it weakened an already growing & potentially powerful USA.

    besides, the Emancipation Proclamation only declared freedom to the slaves in the Confederate States that the US Army did not occupy …. declaring it a moot point from jump street

  7. ^^^but to that point it was still a war pver states rights and neither side made it about skavery, despite it being the obvious elephant in the room. Lincoln wanted to bring it out earlier with the obvious intention being that if you returned to the Union fold you could keep your slaves, but was advised that after the strady stream of Northern reverses that it would just appear to be a desperate cry for help to the Black race and an admission the North could not win without a slave revolt, which was not how Lincoln wanted it taken. England could have supported Southern efforts in many ways and certainly had no love for the upstart United States, but it was domestically and globally politically impossible once it was openly a war to end slavery, not only denying the Confederacy active support, but denying it a market for King Cotton even if they DID run the blockade.

    It was only a matter of time after that.

  8. In the last couple of weeks or so I am rereading The Glorious Cause, Jeff Shaara’s history of the American Revolution and vol. 1 & 2 of Bill Bennet’s, (I just finished reading vol. 1 and am now reading vol.2) of America, The Last Best Hope to brush up on my understanding of American history once again. I need to read these books again to further understand how America came to be the greatest nation on Earth and reinvigorate hope in me for the future of America. We are still the best nation on earth despite the democraps and the media and academic allies and commies constant carping that America sucks.


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