Constitutional Carry Passes Louisiana Senate – IOTW Report

Constitutional Carry Passes Louisiana Senate

The Senate passed Sen. Blake Miguez’s Constitutional Carry Bill SB 1 by a vote of 28-10 and limitation of liability bill SB 2 by a vote of 27-11. Both bills now move to the Louisiana House where they will be heard in committee on Monday, February 26, with SB 1 being heard in the Administration of Criminal Justice Committee at 10:00 a.m., and SB 2 being heard in the Civil Law and Procedure Committee at 10:30 a.m. MORE

22 Comments on Constitutional Carry Passes Louisiana Senate

  1. Jpm SATURDAY, 24 FEBRUARY 2024, 16:33 AT 4:33 PM
    you’re never completely dressed until you put on a gun

    I beg to differ with you sir. Your sentence should read, you’re never fully dressed until you put on two (2) guns.

    Condition zero (0) also being most appropriate.

    Just saying…

  2. But I’m not carrying striker fired. Single/double action without it being cocked. Just pull the damn trigger.

    Cz clone in 41AE strong side right and Smith snub crossdraw backup.

    Yes it prints, but at my age I’ve had people think it was a colostomy bag. So it works for me.

  3. LCD, too many questions to give a decent answer.

    I wear suits in public so I usually have that CZ/Tanfoglio in a shoulder holster, and either a Taurus 85 in the small of my back, or a SIG 365 in an ankle holster.

    I switch up depending on clothing. A three piece suit makes a shoulder holster a pain… so that’s the Taurus inside the waist and the 365 on the ankle. Or a two piece suit I do the either the Taurus in a shoulder holster, or the CZ clone, and still the 365 on the ankle.

    If I’m not wearing a suit (very rare) like when I go to see my Dad I use the 365 on the ankle.

    That is probably a lot of bullshit that doesn’t help you at all.

  4. I used to carry a Thompson Auto Ordnance 1911, but being left handed I can’t get a good safety. I prefer to carry DA/SA that are hammer-down on a loaded chamber, and no safety, or safety off.

  5. I also used to carry a Security Six, 6 inch, in a shoulder holster but that thing weighs a ton.

    Of course the CZ/Tanfoglio is heavy with 2 spare magazines, but the weight is better situated.

  6. Erik the ne’er do well unmasked scumbag SATURDAY, 24 FEBRUARY 2024, 22:12 AT

    Have you ever seen the Tanfpglio ALL CASE HARDENED PISTOL?

    Story time…
    In another lifetime I had an FFL and Davidsons had a special run of the Case-Hardened pistols. (An old Fox shotgun I acquired made me a big fan of case hardening forever.) Sold three of them (the case-hardened pistols) and didn’t keep one for myself. Big mistake! Anyway, I called Davidsons to try and reorder and get more, but they were sold out. Whined like a third-grade girl to the rep and sometime after I got a call back and said they had one returned. Did I want it? Asked why it was returned and he said, “You won’t believe me when I tell you.” Seems the “dealer” they sold it to looked at it and not understanding what case hardened was thought it was defective. Was thrilled to get the last one and have put custom Purple Heart grips on all of them. The closest I’ll ever come to a Barbeque Gun.

    Also, at that time there was a dealer magazine that had a column “The dumbest things you’ve heard or seen.” Remember one where a customer asked, “If you look down the barrel of a gun when you pull the trigger will you see the bullet come out?” The guy answered “Yes, but only for the very brief fraction of a second.” They had some where the stupid was world class.

  7. Anymouse, no, I never saw the case hardened.

    I don’t know what mine is, either. It’s maybe matte nickel. Very silver. It’s not the same finish as my EAA Witness.

  8. I don’t reload. So far, anyway. I have the same 200 rounds I got with the pistol, minus the 25 or so I practiced with. I have half jacket hollow points from IMI. It fires like the 9mm, so I don’t shoot it unless at… well, you know.

    Those rounds remaining will last out my lifetime.

    41AE is great, and it’s a shame they stopped producing it.

  9. My aching head. Left Coast Dan

    To bulky? Really. Here’s the deal pal. Go find a gun you get hits with. If you’ve never carried before how the hell do you know it’s to bulky? Holster options are limitless. If a G17 is “to Bulky” it’s because it’s a double stack. So is a G19. This entire thread hurt my mind. And right here’s why I even bothered to post. Sig has major problems. Half the guns they’ve delivered to the military are falling apart. Don’t take my word for it. Google it. I saw an independent tester have the slide fly clean off the frame while testing one. I’m shocked at the efforts in covering the problems up in their next gen gun. But believe me, it is a real thing. Don’t by a Sig.

    Is a 911 the 3.5 inch version of a 1911?

  10. Erik,

    Coming back this AM and still an open thread…

    The 170 jacketed hollow point is nice, there’s a 200 grain jacketed flat point that I found (again IMI) that was/is more accurate in my guns, but my reloads are a Gold Dot 210 coming out at 1180. I’m thinking you have the 9mm barrel and single return spring to switch out and practice with. If not get them so you can spend as long as you wish at the range and then drop in the 41 barrel and double return spring when you mean business.

    Have two that were the “Excam” import and one “FIE” (that became EAA). Couple thousand or more brass with a few hundred of the original IMI loading. There was also a Spear and Samson loadings. Again, if’n you want to see what the case hardened looks like ask Mr. Big for my e-mail.


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