Consumers Are Rejecting The Great Reset – IOTW Report

Consumers Are Rejecting The Great Reset

Whether it’s COVID-19 vaccines, eating bugs, driving EVs, munching fake meat, or living in the metaverse with censorship—none of it’s working.

13 Comments on Consumers Are Rejecting The Great Reset

  1. It is hard to comprehend just how dishonest ABC News is. Favorite radio station has them on top and bottom of the hour. Long list of propaganda and they think no one will know? Plays well among those who’d die for Biden but for the rest of us they’re losing ground. If they consistently lie about President Trump and go out of their way to protect the Biden Crime Family and all their corruption, chances are they’re lying about everything. Can’t wait for them to go out of business.

  2. There are still people who only listen to propaganda or read it and think they’re the informed ones.
    It must be hard for them to have to think on their own instead of being told what to think.
    Personal experience with some of the failed elitists’ ideas to wrangle us into their coral of control will wake more up.
    Maine is still going to try to command no gas vehicles in the next 10 yrs.
    Even though their meeting to discuss the plan had to be cancelled a couple of weeks ago because a storm knocked out electricity for most of the state.

  3. WYLIE 1

    As longas “Bush

    Republicans” are happy to pay MSM to lie they will never “go out of business”

    naming some “Bush Republicans”: Buck, McCommell, Thune.

  4. I commented about the lackluster sales of EVs, was countered by somebody who remarked a car salesman told him they couldn’t keep them in stock.
    I incredulously asked; “You believe a car salesman? That’s what’s known as gullible to the nth degree.”.
    He blocked me, lol.

  5. To be honest, the COVID stuff is basically dead around here. I mean getting vaccinated for it gets mentioned randomly by health departments, pharmacies and hospitals but it’s like everyone else is pretending the entire pandemic didn’t happen. Between September and December I saw 3 different specialists for routine stuff and COVID only came up at the orthopedic doctor’s office directly connected to the hospital and that was only the routine “have I tested positive in the last 2 weeks?”. The word COVID never even crossed the lips of anyone at the pulmonologist and cardiologist. And you’d think if anyone would bring it up it would be a pulmonologist.

    As far as EVs are concerned, I don’t see how they are even workable for people living outside of metropolitan areas. I live 13 miles from my own moderately sized county seat and 19 miles from where we do most of our shopping in a larger city in the next county. I suppose if I could even afford one I could use an EV to bop back and forth the 3 miles to the very small town, cough “intersection”, where an assortment of farmers markets/shopping spots have popped up in recent years mainly thanks to the Mennonites in our area. But why bother because I have no idea where I’d charge it. Kentucky is making noises about increasing the number of charging stations in the state but I seriously doubt any will make their way close to me.

    Then again, is there an EV that could offroad it on a farm? Heh, even if there was it would probably be even more expensive.

    And I don’t even want to talk about “fake meat” because the entire concept offends me on so many levels.

  6. One thing I’ve been doing to change my narrative is to quit using the word “capitalism”. Because it has been so badly beaten up, starting with the Soviet Union and later by leftists world wide, it has developed an undeserved negative connotation. Instead of using the language of our enemies, we should go back to the term “free market”. And her opposite, “command economy”. We should extol the virtues of Free Markets while excoriating the failings of command economies.

  7. Lance o Lot – Aaaaaaannd while yer at it stop using the word “Democracy”!
    We are a Republic.
    A “democracy” alway descends into a dictatorship.
    The Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media endlessly promotes the word “democracy” so as to acclimate people to the term!


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