Contaminated meat from China imports soar – IOTW Report

Contaminated meat from China imports soar

Breaking 911:

Amidst COVID-19 pandemic, contaminated meat from China imports soar.


LOS ANGELES — In calendar year 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of shipments containing prohibited pork, chicken, beef and duck products arriving from China intercepted by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agriculture specialists in Los Angeles, nearly doubled compared with the previous year.

From Jan. 1, to Dec. 31, 2020, CBP in Los Angeles issued 1,049 Emergency Action Notifications (EAN) compared to 527 in 2019, a 99 percent increase. When unmanifiested/prohibited animal products are intercepted, CBP issues an EAN for destruction or re-exportation of the contraband.

According to USDA, China is a country affected by African Swine Fever (ASF), Classical Swine Fever (CSF), Newcastle Disease (ND), Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) and Swine Vesicular Disease (SVD).


h/t Brad.

15 Comments on Contaminated meat from China imports soar

  1. WTF. I thought China was forced to import meat and grain from all over the world to feed its people, since they could not produce enough domestically. Please tell me that we aren’t shipping meat to China, and then buying it back from them at a markup, and then having it shipped back to us. No wonder the meat is spoiled! It’s been across the Pacific twice! This can’t be what is happening…can it?

  2. You should go to WalMart, Costco, Sams, Target, etc. when they’re unboxing food. The box will be stamped product of China or have a shipping label from China, yet the actual food label will say distributed by somewhere in U.S., for WalMart and Sams it’s always Bentonville, AR.

  3. Beachmom, plenty have became aware of Smithfield. Two of our local grocery stores no longer carry it because they can’t sell it. You gotta be careful though, I was in a different store the other day and they had some bacon on sale, it was a brand I had never heard of so I was curious and read the label, in small print, small enough I had to pull out my reading glasses and could still barely read it, was owned by Smithfield.

  4. Thirdtwin,
    One thing we started doing during the Obama years was sending meat to China for them to can soup, chicken, even frozen nuggets, etc. and then send back here. Plus we also allowed them to ship their own processed chicken.

    I want nothing from China, but here is how bad it is. I was looking for some plastic pill boxes, I went to every store around here, including a health supply store and medical supply store and could not find one pill box not made in China. So I went to Amazon and E-bay, both of whom I hate and still not one pill box made in USA. I had this same problem a few months back trying to find a fever thermometer and a blood pressure machine. I finally found at our local pharmacy an old time fever thermometer except it was non-mercury made in US and a manual blood pressure kit made in US. BTW, it’s probably better to have the old kind anyway as the doctor was telling me he threw all of the automatic ones out when he started comparing them to actual blood pressures and they were way off. Then he was telling me about an ambulance crew who had a guy showing symptoms of a stroke, except his bp was showing normal until they dusted off the old manual cuff and stethoscope and got an accurate bp. If they had not done it then they would not have been given the okay to give the right medication to save his life. So it’s kind of scary that almost all hospitals only rely on automatic bp machines. When my husband was in the hospital, they had wireless ones.

  5. If I see anything on a food label that says product of China, I refuse to buy it just because it’s cheaper. Which is a reason I will never buy groceries from Wally World. I don’t even go into Wally World very often anymore, I’m starting to go elsewhere to shop at local stores and mom and pop stores instead.

  6. geoff the aardvark, that’s the problem though they can get around the label on food by not putting where it came from by putting distributed by. I don’t buy any food anymore that says distributed by, if it doesn’t say it’s a US product, I don’t buy it.
    The things the government regulates they have no business regulating, yet when it comes to food they refuse to even regulate forcing them to put where the food comes from.
    Something else I’ve just recently learned about are phosphates. I guess we all need phosphorus, but like many minerals we only need so many and natural is better because we don’t absorb as many from food. Unnatural phosphates are not a good thing because we absorb 100% and too much starts putting stress on our organs, especially kidneys. Phosphates are being linked to kidney disease, even in kids, yet our lovely government doesn’t require them to put phosphorus on the label. They must list it in the ingredients, but there is no way to know the amount.

    Now that due to health issues I was forced to become a label reader, it’s shocking to me how much sodium, phosphates and other shit that I don’t even know what they are, are in grocery store food. No wonder so many in this country have high BP, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease and cancer, they’re slowly killing us through our food, while telling us meat and eggs are the culprit.

  7. Chinese made sausages – no thank you. It’s disgusting enough to learn what is in US made sausages.

    They likely have some really bad stuff in them…bat meat, monkey meat, dick meat.

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