Contradictory Name – The Perfect Spokeshole – IOTW Report

Contradictory Name – The Perfect Spokeshole

joshearnestOther spokesholes that were considered by Obama were-

Les Moore

Victor Loss

Christian Mullah

Sunny Knight

Will Wont

Turner Strait


54 Comments on Contradictory Name – The Perfect Spokeshole

  1. Two points:
    1. Somewhere in the picture collection there’s one with (Carney) blocking the part of the sign behind him that completes
    White …
    Need to dig it out.

    2. Speaking of Sunny, how come we haven’t seen her here in months?

  2. Look at that punim!

    He’s got on his “honest, smart, thinking hard” face that should convince all the WH Press flunkies, uhhh … Press Professionals of his sincerity.

    And he can Pitch AND Catch!

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