Controla-19 lockdowns in 2020 caused temporary global warming: Study – IOTW Report

Controla-19 lockdowns in 2020 caused temporary global warming: Study

(Natural News) When much of the world was plunged into lockdown last year as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, there was a lot of speculation that the lack of activity would benefit the environment. However, a new study shows that these changes to our lifestyles actually slightly warmed the planet for several months in 2020 in a counterintuitive finding that underscores the role of airborne particles in influencing temperatures.

In fact, the temperatures in some places of the eastern United States as well as China and Russia rose by as much as half to two-thirds of a degree, according to the study, which was published in Geophysical Research Letters. This was because there were fewer soot and sulfate particles in the air from car exhaust and burning coal. These particles normally have a temporary cooling effect on the atmosphere as they reflect the sun’s heat.

When the emissions of aerosols dropped suddenly last spring, it meant that more of the sun’s heat was able to reach the planet, particularly in countries that are heavily industrialized and normally pump significant amounts of aerosols into the atmosphere. For example, the warming reached around 0.7 degrees Fahrenheit across much of Russia and the United States. The effects were mixed in the tropics and relatively minor in the southern hemisphere, where the emissions of aerosol generally tend to be far less pervasive. read more

13 Comments on Controla-19 lockdowns in 2020 caused temporary global warming: Study

  1. I think I know the reason for the warming: Have you noticed how much heat those big Plazma scree tee vees (that were looted during the “peaceful demonstrations “) put out?

  2. I never knew there was a sliding scale of temporary global warming. How does it begin? When does it end? What is the definition of temporary? How do you know if it’s temporary or permanent? How many degrees of temperature are involved? How do you know your definitions are correct?

  3. Was it 3 yeas ago we had that Nazi Cold Front that had us at 30 to even 40 degrees of frost for a month?

    That was some global warming right there. Golly!

    I guess I didn’t drive my Beetle enough. I wasn’t burning anthracite that year, either. That was the winter that got me to burning anthracite.

  4. I worked outside all summer. It was way hotter & more humid.

    This winter has also been warmer than normal. I was replacing a heat exchanger today and it has been a warmer February than normal.

    But the minute you mention solar shading they cut you off and look at you like you are nuts.

    HOWEVER, if you are Bill gated they fawn over you when you want to carry out shading & heat absorbing experiments in the upper atmosphere.

    Yeah, I’m the nut job…


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