Controversial police painting is removed from U.S. Capitol – IOTW Report

Controversial police painting is removed from U.S. Capitol


A painting that depicted police officers as animals and led to a spat among members of Congress has been taken down from a tunnel in the U.S. Capitol.

The Architect of the Capitol announced Friday the painting — which was inspired by the 2014 civil unrest following the shooting of a black teen by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri — would be taken down Tuesday because it violated the rules of the congressional art contest that barred “exhibits depicting subjects of contemporary political controversy or a sensationalistic or gruesome nature” as “not allowed.”

The decision was heralded by House Republicans who argued the artwork was a slap in the face of police officers and should not be on display in the Capitol. Democrats, meanwhile, expressed disappointment, saying politics triumphed over common sense, and vowing to fight the decision.

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14 Comments on Controversial police painting is removed from U.S. Capitol

  1. In fairness, I think it should hang beside a duplicate of it but with the police depicted as heroes and the Ferguson crowd as gorillas. I can’t see where the black leaders could object to that.

  2. How bout the requirement that any “art” hung in the Capitol have some “artistic” quality?

    Too much to ask?

    That looks like the crayon scribbling of a 5 year old.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. It belongs in a tunnel. Maybe a narco-tunnel from Mexico, or a terror-tunnel from Gaza. Although it’ll probably end up as a mural in a Metro station with all of the other lame government art.

  4. I’ve known for a long time the Demonrats lacked common sense. I’m surprised Mr Richmond had the words in his vocabulary. I thought the words “common sense” were in the Demonrat verboten words file along with “Islamic Terrorism”.

    That painting deserves someone’s expression of frustration at 250˚F.

  5. Oddly enough no one’s looked at the rest of the picture.
    Why aren’t we hearing any comment about a black Jesus hanging on a cross with scales in each hand, representing yin and yang?
    Also note that Jesus is depicted as a college student: see what’s on his head?

  6. Thank God we don’t have pressing issues like failing healthcare, terrorism, explosive numbers of illegals crossing our borders, out of control fed agencies, failing education, failing VA system or trillions in debt, so members of congress can focus on real issues.
    This trash should’ve been removed 2 sec after it was hung, returned to the (per a extremely c Richmond, “18yo child”) end of discussion. Yeah yeah yeah I get freedom of speech, blah, blah, blah.
    Black Caucus is the sister org to CAIR, speciously using the 1st A. Typical cowardly republicans allow them to get away with it everytime.

  7. @Shazzam. Proof of ignorance of the “18yo child” who gifted the world with this magnificent “artwork”. Jesus was a carpenter. Had Vo-Tech been available maybe, college not so much.

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