Convicted Killer Blames Guns And Hollywood For His Actions [But Not Himself] – IOTW Report

Convicted Killer Blames Guns And Hollywood For His Actions [But Not Himself]

Bearing Arms:

Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.

The National Rifle Association started saying that ages ago now, and they were right. Guns are nothing more than the tool used by someone to take a human life. It’s just one of the many tools available, too. It doesn’t kill of its own volition. It needs a human to load it, work the action, and pull the trigger.

Of course, the Sacramento Bee has a column written by a convicted murderer who would seem to argue differently. more

9 Comments on Convicted Killer Blames Guns And Hollywood For His Actions [But Not Himself]

  1. Accepting personal responsibility for your actions is the first step toward salvation from them.

    In today’s popular culture, we seem to be teaching the opposite.

  2. Not enough watching Westerns in this world
    “A gun is a tool Marion, no better or no worse than any other tool, an axe a shovel or anything. A gun is as good or as bad as the man using it. Remember that.”

  3. I have watched tons of cowboy and war movies in my life and have never used that as an excuse to kill anyone. I had an idiot in my squadron point a 357 Magnum at me and some shipmates in the barracks once just joking but he was busted later for impersonating a Naval Intelligence Officer. And the last time I went deer hunting back in the mid 80’s we had a guy with us who thought it would be funny to shoot at a friend and I from across a small lake in NE Washington with a 40/50 Craig rifle. He’s just lucky we ducked and didn’t end up shooting him back and killing him with our rifles. He was busted later by the Feds for possession of an illegal sawed off shotgun and went to prison and ended up dying there. That’s the biggest reason I quit hunting back then.

  4. Millions of us grew up on westerns, dark noir, cop shows and that most violent of all Elmer Fudd and never hit anyone much less shot someone.
    Altho I must admit now I see plenty of reasons other than movies and tv, after a fair trial of course.
    (BTW the sac bee is a liberal rag.)

  5. Elmer Fudd rules, Daffy Duck drools and Bugs Bunny always befuddled them both. You didn’t even mention Wile E Coyote and the Roadrunner, how many times did he fall off a cliff or get blown up or hit by a train or a truck etc. and still manage to endlessly chase after the Road Runner hoping to catch him. Now those were and still are funny and classic slapstick comedies.


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