Cop who mocked LeBron James returns from suspension, announces book deal – IOTW Report

Cop who mocked LeBron James returns from suspension, announces book deal


Bellevue, Idaho, Marshal’s deputy Nate Silvester told KTVB that he will return to work Thursday and that he has inked a book deal, after he was placed on administrative leave for making a TikTok mocking LeBron James that went viral.

The Bellevue Marshal’s Office announced on Facebook in April that the department was “internally” dealing with Silvester and that the deputy’s statements “do NOT represent the Bellevue Marshal’s Office.”

Silvester posted a TikTok mocking LeBron James after he tweeted, then deleted, a post targeting the officer who fatally shot Ma’Kahia Bryant in Ohio as she was attempting to stab another woman. LeBron James doxxed a photo of the Ohio police officer to his 50 million followers on Twitter and said, “You’re Next” then ended the tweet with “accountability.”

In the video Silvester made-up a scenario similar to the attempted stabbing by Ma’Kiah Bryant which led to her being fatally shot. In the viral video, Silvester pretends to phone LeBron James asking him for policing advice on how he should deal with an attempted stabbing right outside his vehicle.

Silvester ended the video slamming self-proclaimed “King” Lebron James and asking why he turned a blind-eye to black on black crime yet only cares if a black person dies at the hand of a white cop.

“So you don’t care if a black person kills another Black person, But you do care if a white cop kills a black person, even if he’s doing it to save the life of another black person? I mean it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, but then again you are really good at basketball so I guess I’ll take your word for it.” read more

21 Comments on Cop who mocked LeBron James returns from suspension, announces book deal

  1. the deputy’s statements “do NOT represent the Bellevue Marshal’s Office.”

    Maybe not, but they represent about 90% of the rest of the country!!

  2. F*** Lebron James! He’s an “Uncle Tom” serving his old white & Chinese Masters.

    He’s NOT a role model, he’s NOT an intellectual. He’s a fraudster!
    He doesn’t have original thoughts he only parrots what his Master tell him too.

    BOYCOTT Lebron James
    BOYCOTT Space Jams 2 – A New Legacy

  3. Le Bron, or as we like to call him here in Cleveburg: Le Prik, is completely subservient to Chicoms. In a different age, the Chinese would have him working on the railroad carrying kegs of spikes. To them, he’s just a circus freak and cheap entertainment for 1.5 billion serfs!

  4. Freedom of speech is in the US Constitution, too bad the democrats don’t believe it, can’t read, or are choosing to ignore it when people they hate or don’t agree with use it.

  5. You sure won’t see the book at Barnes and Noble (are they still in business?). And if he picked the wrong publisher, the employees (?!) might refuse to print it.

  6. Sorry, I don’t see where he (the cop) did anything wrong.
    Or even vaguely untoward.

    A frikkin ignorant clown who dribbles balls can spout whatever insults and incitements to murder that he choses with absolute impunity, but a cop is forbidden from making fun of it?

    We’re living on Bizarro World.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. And he had absolutely nothing to back down from or retract. Not a damn thing. Mocking a pious jackass is a virtue we as a society are in need of a lot more of.

  8. Not taking a political stance here…BUT….When an Officer uses city equipment in their post and is on city time….you will get nailed at a later date..guaranteed

  9. Good for Deputy Silvester! A wonderful public servant. He won’t be next.

    “LeBronda” James (as Officer Tatum calls him) now has egg foo young all over his leftist/commie tool face.

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