COPS: Male teacher posed as female porn star on Facebook to goad boys into sending nude pics – IOTW Report

COPS: Male teacher posed as female porn star on Facebook to goad boys into sending nude pics

EAG: GILROY, Calif. – Police believe Gilroy High School teacher Douglas Le used a porn actress’ picture to pose as a teen girl and goad male students at the school and others into sending him nude images.

The alleged “catfishing” scheme ran from June 2014 through the end of last year and involved nine teenage boys in Santa Clara County, who thought they were in an online relationship with a girl named Rae Pelletier, the San Francisco Chronicle reports.


6 Comments on COPS: Male teacher posed as female porn star on Facebook to goad boys into sending nude pics

  1. So I thought that in this age of new enlightenment we are not to be too judgy. If he says he’s a female porn star, then so be it, and make for damn sure you use the correct pronouns, bigots!

  2. I have a friend that has too much time and spends it on Facebook bombing the rest of us with mostly worthless crap. I finally figured out how to turn her off! I should use Faceless for my real estate business, but I hate it. I hate Zuckerf*ck. It’s a cess pool where good people get sucked in to a place where satan can live and breathe.
    Same thing for tweeting. But, I do so love BFH and the gang at IOTWREPORT!

  3. We get mainstream movies, tv movies, tv expose shows, newspaper special reports etc etc on the Catholic Church and it’s priests and the crimes they committed first in molesting young boys then covering it up even going as far as to simply transfer these priests to a different parish where they continued the crimes. Between the lawsuits, the criminal trials and the constant exposure the entire world is familiar with what happened. What the government and the media (of all types) conveniently forget and don’t seem to report on is that on a per capita basis the public school system is where more incidents of the same sorts of sex crimes are being committed. As with the church, the teachers are sometimes transferred to other districts or suspended with pay while some sort of investigation is done that may, eventually, result in the teachers termination and possibly the cops called. The only time you see it hit the news is if the culprit is a pretty, young female teacher (who takes a great photo) and a youngish male student. The rest of the time they are largely silent. What the Catholic Church did was horrible but you have to wonder why the media is so silent about the same issue in the public school system and for that matter in the power circles of Hollywood.

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