Cops Not Charged When Woman Coming At Them With a Knife Was Fatally Shot – IOTW Report

Cops Not Charged When Woman Coming At Them With a Knife Was Fatally Shot


“You can pretend that she deserved to die or that her life doesn’t matter, so long as you’re a cop or a racist ally of this system of oppression,” she said. “All lives matter. Black lives matter. Black women’s lives matter. Aura Rosser’s life matters.”

Rosser was attacking her boyfriend, 54-year-old Victor Stephens, in the hallway of his home at 2083 Winewood Ave. in Ann Arbor around 11:45 p.m. Nov. 9 when police arrived after being called by Stephens, according to a 12-page memo issued by the prosecutor Friday evening.

“After the officers yelled at Ms. Rosser to drop the knife, she came at the officers with the knife still raised in an attack position,” Mackie said in a release. “Ms. Rosser ignored repeated commands to drop the knife. As she continued to advance on the officers, Officer Ried fired one shot from his department issued handgun, killing Rosser.”

Mackie determined the killing was justified and did not choose to prosecute.


Rosser was mentally ill. Blacks think she should have been allowed to stab a cop, preferably a white one.

22 Comments on Cops Not Charged When Woman Coming At Them With a Knife Was Fatally Shot

  1. Is it more cost effective to shoot them dead, or hit them with several tazers, bean bag rounds, pepper spray, and flash bangs? Either way you’re going to have endless law suits, protests, and media attention. I think I’d just set the 911 phones to call forward from black neighborhoods to Jackson and Sharpton’s phones.

  2. If the cops let the negroes kill each other, they’d be racist.
    If the cops intervene, they’re racist.
    Segregate the cops?
    That’s racist, too.

    The bottom line is that the race-hustlers are gonna whine, no matter what the cops do.

  3. Sounds similar to NY’s infamous Eleanor Bumpers case. In that instance, Bumpers, a deranged charging rhinoceros swinging a meat cleaver was shot by cops as a last resort after she wouldn’t back down when they went to enforce an eviction notice.
    Immediately afterwards, 50 of her racist relatives began yelling “racism” and tried to profit from the incident, demanding “justice.”
    Of course, no one in the symPathetic liberal press ever bothered to ask the relatives one simple question:
    “If you cared so much for your relative, why didn’t you just pay her damn rent and avoid this whole incident?”

  4. You ought to read the story and especially the comments. Most are pro cops but there are a few race industry doozies in there. By the by Black Lives do Matter but not, apparently to other blacks.

  5. I grew up from 5th through 11th grade in a black neighborhood. Take it from me, it was the women you had to be careful of not the guys. That may be racist but trust me on this, it’s also good advice.

  6. Take it from me, it was the women you had to be careful of not the guys. That may be racist but trust me on this, it’s also good advice.

    You mean sexist if you’re singling out one sex regardless of race.

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