Cops Use ‘Gifted’ Chinese Drones by Firm Complying With CCP Data Requests – IOTW Report

Cops Use ‘Gifted’ Chinese Drones by Firm Complying With CCP Data Requests

Sharing this again, because it’s important:

National Pulse: The drones, ostensibly used by law enforcement for a hands-off way to police social distancing, are made by a Chinese firm which sends data back to the Chinese Communist Party.

The Elizabeth Police Department of New Jersey insists: “…we are just trying to save lives, not trying to be big brother.”

Intelligence officials, however, fear the drones do much more than just spread automated notices. They spread your data to the Chinese Communist Party, if it so chooses.

The drones, ostensibly used by law enforcement for a hands-off way to police social distancing, are made by a Chinese firm which sends data back to the Chinese Communist Party.

The Daytona Beach Police Departments says the drones possess digital cameras and heat-detecting devices. These systems can detect body temperatures from 99 to 105 degrees.

A graphic from the manufacturer – DJI Innovations based in Shenzen, China – reveals 100 drones have been gifted to law enforcement and local authorities in recent weeks. They claim: “…we’re pleased to announce we are distributing 100 drones to 43 police, fire and public safety organizations in 22 states.”

Sergeant Tim Ehrenkaufer, who runs the Daytona Police drone unit, said in a statement: “If you have a 103 fever, that’ll come in handy letting us know at a glance: ‘Are you someone who possibly has the virus?’ ‘Do we need to make sure you have extra precautions?’”

The Elizabeth Police Department of New Jersey insists: “…we are just trying to save lives, not trying to be big brother.”

Intelligence officials, however, fear the drones do much more than just spread automated notices. They spread your data to the Chinese Communist Party, if it so chooses. more

17 Comments on Cops Use ‘Gifted’ Chinese Drones by Firm Complying With CCP Data Requests

  1. Uncle Al,
    A “cloud” of 12 ga bird shot would probably work. At the least, you’re trying to disrupt the propeller blades to bring the drone down. Unless they’ve been reinforced, most propeller blades are fairly fragile.
    The big trick is to not get caught or arrested (unless there is a whole neighborhood worth of arrestees, which would overwhelm the (in)justice system).
    You’re supposed to wear a mask anyway. SO carry several bandannas, & swap ’em out as necessary (along with other disguise props)

  2. Read this book if you want to understand how plain old cops
    wind up step by step turning into monsters. It will not make you feel clean or happy but you will learn needed things.
    “Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland.”

  3. The differentiation between freedom and totalitarianism in America is happening at the county level. And the county sheriff, elected by county citizens, sets the tone. We need to be interacting more with our county sheriffs and let them know we’re not going to accept violations of our Bill of Rights – from anyone.

    The ends does not justify the means. You violate my rights – you’ve abrogated the law and enabled my right of physical self-defense. And if that statement is not true, then there is no “law” – and there is no “country.”

  4. “…we are just trying to save lives, not trying to be big brother.”
    Making any sort of violations just A-OK, because REASONS!, and also they’re omnipotent moral busybodies misusing the power granted them by the governed.
    CS Lewis said it best:
    Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

  5. @Jimmy April 23, 2020 at 11:50 am

    > We need to be interacting more with our county sheriffs and let them know we’re not going to accept violations of our Bill of Rights – from anyone.

    So, your sheriff — the actual sheriff, in your own, actual, county — is maintaining border security? Armed, denial of entry, to hostile forces… border security? And organizing the, necessary, suppression of internal traitors?

    There’s nothing wrong with being an idiot. Idiots can’t help it. There’s nothing wrong with acting stupid. Lots of patriots people are proud! of the level of stupidity they can flaunt… and thrive. But don’t be a ponce.

    > And if that statement is not true, then there is no “law” – and there is no “country.”

    Define “true”. Loyal citizen. You are loyal? Aren’t you? Citizen?

  6. Opting for not using firearms in the neighborhood, archery, a bolo made of various odd fish hooks & weights, a well-casted fishing pole, even small bungee cords would interfere with the props & bring it down, with no one hearing a thing.

  7. @mickey moussaoui — The trouble with suppressed .22 or 9mm is where does the bullet comes down if (when) you miss.

    @the dirtball — Tell me more about what a blue laser does to a CCD camera. Is that the sort of camera carried on enforcer drones? Is the damage permanent? I just happen to have a friend with a 2.25W Class IV blue laser. Note that that’s W and not mW. Yeah, a friend has one. A friend.


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