Corey Feldman Documentary Revives Accusation That Charlie Sheen Raped Corey Haim – IOTW Report

Corey Feldman Documentary Revives Accusation That Charlie Sheen Raped Corey Haim

Breitbart: Former teen actor Corey Feldman’s new documentary My Truth: The Rape of 2 Coreys accuses Charlie Sheen of raping Corey Haim during the making of the 1986 movie Lucas, according to multiple reports.  The self-financed documentary, which debuted online Monday, reiterated a number of other past accusations, including allegations about three men whom Feldman claims sexually abused him as a minor.

My Truth bowed online Monday despite technical glitches that reportedly kept viewers waiting in limbo. Corey Feldman also screened the movie for a select group of friends and journalists in Los Angeles.

Feldman’s documentary revives past allegations that his late friend and Lucas co-star Corey Haim confided that he was raped by Sheen when he was just 13 during the making of the teen movie. According to a report from Entertainment Weekly, the doc features “several other talking heads” who also claim that either Haim directly told them he had been abused by Sheen as a child or that they had heard word of it from others years later.

“This wasn’t like a one time thing he said in passing. It wasn’t like ‘Oh, by the way, this happened.’ He went into great detail,”  Feldman reportedly said in the documentary about Haim. read more

14 Comments on Corey Feldman Documentary Revives Accusation That Charlie Sheen Raped Corey Haim

  1. Most of Hollywood passed Their Kids around for “Seasoning”

    Also known as “Expanding the Casting Couch”

    Folks are still lining up with Their Children for a shot of Fame.

  2. Bad_Brad thinks the way I do.

    Corey is already FKD up severely.

    Beat the Fk out of Sheen between the AIDS treatments and regain the respect that he took as well as the respect of every NORMAL male who does not piss sitting down!

    I know a guy who was abused by a hockey coach…
    He is still damaged, badly.
    I still do not understand why he does not look up the pedo and tune him up with a hockey stick.
    100% sure that he will never fear the bastard again.

  3. Still think the more talented Corey left before his time.
    Didn’t make his paychecks from being a Dr Phil sideshow,,,
    or spending a lot of time with Michael Jackson.

  4. @ Bad_Brad MARCH 10, 2020 AT 8:25 PM

    I have posted about the Troop120 Lakewood Methodist Church Boy Scout Master tried to bust a move on me and I knocked the bastard on his ass. When my mom came to pick us up afterwards I told her and it was a story she told the rest of her life. The bastard and the Boy Scouts we’re hauled into court decades later and sometimes people would ask my mom why she let us stay in Boy Scouts after that happened. She said: I reported the incident and nothing came of it and my kid can take care of himself. If he tried anything like that again he Knew damn well he would have been tomahawked with an official Boy Scout hatchet.

    He tried that shit when a movie was showing and I think he mistook me for another kid. The son of a bitch steered well clear of me from then on.

  5. Ya’ know, if my mom wanted to protect us from perverts she would have had to move us completely out of the Puget Sound metropolitan area, the entire apregion is absolutely crawling with perverts and freaks. It isn’t the California transplants, I have been here since 1967 and I recognized right off the bat that there is a weird vibe here.

    Lawsuit alleges sex abuse in Scouts

    ROB CARSON; The News Tribune

    A Tacoma man is suing the Boy Scouts of America, alleging his scoutmaster repeatedly sexually abused him when he was a Scout in Lakewood 34 years ago.

    Dave Aqua, 47, an Air Force veteran and a registered nurse, named the national scouting organization and the local Pacific Harbors Council in his lawsuit, which he filed Wednesday in Pierce County Superior Court.

    “This is a road to healing for me,” Aqua said, “but I also feel it is a moral obligation. If I could save one boy from having to go through what I did, it’s worth it to me.”

    In his complaint, Aqua says the Scout leader coerced him into dozens of deviant sexual acts in 1970 and 1971 while he was a member of Troop 120, sponsored by Lakewood Methodist Church.

    Scouting executives knew about the abuses but did nothing about them, Aqua said in an interview Wednesday.

    Doug Dillow, Scout executive at Pacific Harbors Council, said Wednesday that he had not seen the lawsuit and couldn’t comment on it.

    The scoutmaster, who is dead, was a soldier at Fort Lewis at the time of the abuses, Aqua said. He was a highly successful recruiter, Aqua said, who built Troop 120 to among the largest in the council.

    Aqua, who eventually became an Eagle Scout, said the scoutmaster regularly took him and other young boys to his apartment, where he had them dress in scanty “Indian costumes” and took photos of them before abusing them. The walls of the man’s apartment were covered with photos of half-clothed boys, Aqua said.

    Dillow said the BSA now has strong policies against any kind of child abuse.

    “We have a very active and comprehensive program that we utilize continuously,” he said.

    Among the precautions the organization uses, he said, is its “Two Deep Leadership” program, which ensures that at least two adults are present at all Scout activities. It now conducts criminal background checks on volunteers, he said, and makes sure men and boys shower separately and have separate sleeping arrangements while camping.

    “We have a number of practices and policies that we have utilized in an attempt to make sure kids are in the safest environment possible,” Dillow said.

    Timothy Kosnoff, the Seattle attorney who is representing Aqua, disagreed.

    “They’ve done very little to tighten up their procedures,” he said.

    “There are unique.htmlects to Scouting that make it the perfect environment for those that have the compulsion of sexual attraction to children. They have the responsibility to figure out what it is about the organization that lets this happen.”

    This is the second sexual abuse case filed against the Pacific Harbor Council in the past 10 months.

    In October, two brothers, also represented by Kosnoff, said a different scoutmaster sexually abused them from 1971 to 1983. The brothers, Tom and Matt Stewart, of Enumclaw and San Diego, respectively, were members of Scout troops 310 in Tacoma and 336 in Federal Way. Like Aqua, both became Eagle Scouts.

    The Stewarts claimed that their scoutmaster molested them repeatedly during Scouting activities and threatened to kill their parents if they told on him.

    That case, which also names the Boy Scouts’ Chief Seattle Council, is in discovery phase in King County Superior Court. A trial date has been set for early next summer.

    Rob Carson: 253-597-8693

  6. Hollyweird’s been a cesspit of depravity for a century.
    Everybody from Tijuana to Sacramento knows it – but the money’s too big to stop it. Prosecutors, Judges, Police Investigators, Lawyers, and Politicians ALL know what’s going on and either participate or take the money.
    Pederasty and pedophilia are acceptable pursuits of nihilists – an extension of the murder of the innocents.
    If you can legally kill your children, it’s just another step to use them for sexual gratification. Kids are expendable – AND sustainable – always a supply of kids whose parents are greedy enough to sell them into prostitution – and always a supply from across the border by parents who use them as barter in order to gain a foothold in the welfare state.

    What we tolerate; we get.

    izlamo delenda est …


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