Corker Bill Aimed at Undermining Trump’s Broadcasting Chief Is Killed – IOTW Report

Corker Bill Aimed at Undermining Trump’s Broadcasting Chief Is Killed

WFB: Michael Pack expected to win Senate confirmation early this year.

A group of conservative senators successfully stopped a last-ditch effort to weaken the power of President Trump’s choice to lead the nation’s taxpayer-funded global broadcasting operation.

The move paves the way for Senate confirmation of Michael Pack, Trump’s choice to head the U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM).

The USAGM, previously called the Broadcasting Board of Governors, oversees the Voice of America and other U.S. taxpayer-funded broadcasting operations countering the propaganda arms of American adversaries such as Russia, Iran, and China.

A bill sponsored by Sens. Bob Menendez (D., N.J.) and former Sen. Bob Corker (R., Tenn.), which critics argued would seriously undermine the incoming head of the USAGM, died on the vine when the previous Congress ended and the 116th Congress convened Thursday afternoon.  more here

6 Comments on Corker Bill Aimed at Undermining Trump’s Broadcasting Chief Is Killed

  1. Don’t worry. Romney’s here. He’ll pick up the resistance torch.
    And the title of the article needs a few commas such as,

    Corker, Bill Aimed at Undermining Trump’s Broadcasting Chief, Dies

  2. I’ve been waiting for that little turd to flush for a decade.

    We had no choice but to support that prick against Harold Ford Jr.

    Corker was the next generation of the KKK and all the usual epithets. And like the other RINOs, as soon as he got in office he changed sides.

    He got a vote once and never again but it doesn’t matter once they are in. The GOPe dreams of primarying Trump while these turncoats safely drift from one election to the next with establishment support. And if someone from the Right rises to challenge, then they’ll run a third candidate to split the vote.

    The script gets old.

  3. The Obama/Bush/Rove UNIPARTY is not dead! If Mitt did not signify the UNIPARTY’s health, Corker should! Obama + Bush are no longer President but their backers are not!

  4. We had no choice but to support that prick against Harold Ford Jr.

    True, but we could always depend on that little socialist shit to act and vote consistently.

    He was a rising star in the Dem party until he got out-negrowed by the junior senator from Ill-annoy.

    It was hilarious during his campaign to see the photograph of him wearing a baseball cap outside of an obvious redneck bar. The look on his face was like the cap was burning through his scalp. That was almost as funny as the FBI arresting his uncle John as a result of the Tennessee Waltz investigation the morning Junior announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate.

    In case there’s any doubt, yes I despise the little privileged phony-ass shit.

  5. Rick: the funny part, after doing those things, was that he hid that he was engaged to the whitest of snowflakes the entire campaign. Then, once he lost, he blamed racism and absconded to New York to marry his sweet, little vanilla milkshake.

    He claims he hid it because of racism – and I agree! His black Memphis church ladies wouldn’t have supported him at all if they knew he was marrying Marsha Brady. But I digress. I our loss was JP Morgan Chase’s gain.


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