Corker: ‘I Stand By the Comments’ Questioning Trump’s Competence and Stability – IOTW Report

Corker: ‘I Stand By the Comments’ Questioning Trump’s Competence and Stability

Breitbart: Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press‏,” Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) said he stood by his comments questioning President Donald Trump’s competence and stability after his reaction to the violence in Charlottesville, VA earlier this year.

Partial transcript as follows:

TODD: You said something about the president right after Charlottesville, you were — you questioned whether there was a competency and a stability of the office of the presidency at that time. Do you still feel that way?

CORKER: I’m not trying to be critical, but some of the words have been left out. What I said is he has not yet demonstrated some of the competence and some of the stability that might have been reversed, but not yet demonstrated, and we need for him to be successful. I mean, the country needs — the world needs for him to be successful. Look, I stand by those comments and, you know —

TODD: You stand by them today? Meaning you still feel this way?

CORKER: Look, I think that General Kelly has brought in an heir of discipline as far as how the White House operates. I think they did a great job with Texas and Florida during the hurricane, very professional. I thought it took a lot of courage of the president by the president to change his long-held position about Afghanistan. So I’m seeing changes, but I made the comment, I stand by the comments I made at the time. I don’t make comments like that without thinking about them.

TODD: I know you didn’t do it lightly. That’s why it was a big deal.

CORKER: I chose the words. I stand by the words, when I met with the president —

TODD:  What did he say to you?  MORE

17 Comments on Corker: ‘I Stand By the Comments’ Questioning Trump’s Competence and Stability

  1. If in fact, Corker chose his words carefully, his words and actions over 8 years as a US Senator indicate Corker is ineffective, incompetent and unstable.

    Throwing stones and allegations at others to divert attention away from your failings is a coward’s way out (but it does get you on Todd’s National TV Program).

    Hope Corker gets the notoriety he deserves as a “marginal” republican (RINO) and a lackey of McCONnell.

  2. Corker allowed Omohamid to bypass the United States Senate in order to make his worthless Iranian nuclear deal. The Senate will be better off without this weakling.

  3. While we, in Tennessee are anxious for him to vacate, there is much trepidation about the changes to the Nashville oligarchy. The good ol’ boy network is strong in Tenn.

  4. A Republican attacking a Republican always results in follow up questions forever. “Do you still think that way?” “What changed your mind?”

    Never attack a fellow member publicly unless you want to harm him/her continuously.

  5. Are Obama and Hillary the standard of competence in Corker’s dreams?
    Giving Iran (our enemy) Billions of dollars is competence? That’s Treason Bob!
    Bob is furious that Trump won’t go along with his plan to destroy America.
    Bob is also under investigation by two federal agencies for fraud. Like I’ve said
    before, no one leaves that cushy job to stay home with the family.

  6. Hi everyone! Recently I have been dealing with a lot of personal issues. Friends and doctors keep telling me I should consider taking pills, so I may as well Contact and see how it goes. Problem is, I haven’t taken it for a while, and don’t wanna get back to it, we’ll see how it goes.

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