Cornel West predicts Biden will drop out: ‘He’s going to have an LBJ moment’ – IOTW Report

Cornel West predicts Biden will drop out: ‘He’s going to have an LBJ moment’

Just The News:

Left-wing intellectual and independent presidential candidate Cornel West has suggested that President Joe Biden will not be a candidate for the 2024 presidential election, insisting that the commander-in-chief would decline to seek reelection.

“I’m not even sure whether I’ll be running against Biden. Biden — I think he’s going to have an LBJ moment [and] pull back,” West told Politico, further speculating that either Vice President Kamala Harris or California Gov. Gavin Newsom might replace him. “He’s running out of gas.”

West appeared to reference former President Lyndon Baines Johnson’s decision not to seek reelection in 1968, which he announced amid souring public opinion of his leadership due in part to the then-ongoing Vietnam War.

The independent’s candidacy has largely remained a fringe effort, with polling consistently suggesting that he would attract 1-3% support in a general election.

14 Comments on Cornel West predicts Biden will drop out: ‘He’s going to have an LBJ moment’

  1. “Left-wing intellectual” tee hee, but okay we’ll entertain that

    His candidacy remains a “fringe effort” because he is a fringe lunatic.

    SHitpants would never choose to “dropout”: although he will likely BE dropped.

  2. LBJ DID NOT “DROP OUT”! He ran hard. Was destroyed in 4 primaries by 3 different men! The only name most – I think- will remember ; was a man as rich as GWB who begged bout his $ “I’m so rich n on can buy me!!!!!” “clean gene; who only won 1 primary. But bragging about his GWB like $ made hime more “famous” than he deserved to be. IMHO.
    He tried for 3 months be re elected!
    LBJ was run over; with good reason. In ’64 he promised “To bring our boys home! We had about 350,000 there then. When I came home in ’68 we had almost 900,000!

  3. When I was in college, I read a piece on how, prior to the 1964 election, LBJ promised not to have a war in Viet Nam while AuH2O said he was going to go go in and kick ass. The LBJ campaign portrayed Barry as a war monger who was going to start WWIII and get us all killed. After the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was signed, LBJ was pretty much kept in the dark until November. His job was to get elected.

    By the time the votes were counted, it was time to either defecate or remove oneself from the porcelain throne. Since he just got elected saying he would not get us involved in a big war, LBJ couldn’t go in and do what it took to get the job done. However, due to hubris or not wanting to appear weak, he didn’t want to pull us out either. That led to us doing things piecemeal and that ended up turning the war into a disaster.

    Later I learned in a speech class that in 1968, LBJ went against an important concept in negotiating: don’t appear to be desperate to win something. He said he wanted to end the war before the election. The North Vietnamese saw this as a sign of weakness and the Paris Pease Talks went with the two sides spending months arguing about the shape of the table.

    That is one of the strong points of Trump. He knows what he wants. It may not be what the other side thinks he wants. He also asks for a bunch of other things that, while they might be nice, are not really important. They are there to have something to give up. He also knows that the other side has to “win” something as well. The secret to a negotiating is that both side feel that they have won something.

  4. He’ll run.
    Mootche will be his VP.
    She may drag him across the finish line (fraudulently of course)
    He’ll lay down about April leaving her as pressy.
    She chooses BHO as VP.

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