Cornell Offers Exemption to Flu Vaccine for ‘People of Color’ – IOTW Report

Cornell Offers Exemption to Flu Vaccine for ‘People of Color’

Because of “historical injustices and current events,” Cornell University will grant an exemption from the requirement for all students to get a flu vaccination for “people of color.” more

SNIP: Or, Cornell U is racist and is hoping the flu kills all the students ‘of color’. But seriously- the reasons they give for the exemption make no sense.

17 Comments on Cornell Offers Exemption to Flu Vaccine for ‘People of Color’

  1. @MJA:

    Or, Cornell U is racist and is hoping the flu kills all the students ‘of color’. But seriously- the reasons they give for the exemption make no sense.

    I think you may have it backwards. The flu is actually far less dangerous than the vaccine, which is in reality a secret program to Kill da White Debbils!


  2. I thought the virus was killing POC more than whites because, according to the left, well, they really don’t know do they? The left is full of contradictions and specious thought but to themselves, they sound like pure genius.

  3. Two reasons for the ‘exemption’: the vaccine will either cause infertility, or by not getting it, it will increase one’s chances of dying from covid.

    Very racist motives, eh?


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