Cornered Brennan is panicking – IOTW Report

Cornered Brennan is panicking

Patriot Retort: Boy. Take one day off to rest and all hell breaks loose.

I spent Sunday lying on the couch reading. And I made the conscious decision not to read the news or keep abreast of what was going on – even on Twitter.

So imagine my surprise this morning to discover that the failed coup named Crossfire Hurricane just got hit by a Trump Tsunami.

I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes – and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration! – @realDonaldTrump

And once again, John Brennan took to Twitter to issue veiled — and not-so-veiled — threats. more

26 Comments on Cornered Brennan is panicking

  1. DANNY BONGINO …Talk about an effing TORPEDO.

    Deploy the sails! The wind is at OUR back…and the sky is clearing ahead…I can ONLY hope.

    Getting Clapper would be nice too…


  2. Brennan is a mozlem communist, and I suspect from his psychotic demeanor, a raper of little boys. Anyone who thinks he is weak or will flip is mistaken. He is a dangerous psycho. He is a serious threat to the President. I hope and pray there are Marine Corps Generals that are true patriots and believe in God that will protect him and our country. Thats no joke. I pray they will not let Brennen and Oboinko get away with it for the sake of another star on their shoulder or a pension. In fact at this moment I think he is the most singular dangerous individual in America today. He still has a lot of evil capability at his disposal.

  3. I expect the repercussions of this to be just as shattering as when Eric Holder told congress to fuck off.

    Remember when that happened? Remember when he lied to their faces about dates and events and they were holding documents proved he was lying?

    Remember what happened to Holder after he did that?


  4. And absolutely NOTHING will happen to him. He will walk free just like Hillary and Lerner and all the rest. Free as birds and collecting fat pensions from the country they so despise and tried like hell to destroy.

    Edit: I’m with you Lowell.

  5. @ MB – Spot on. One of the first things POTUS did was appoint generals knowing what was coming (and of course for foreign policy as well).

    @ Old Man – JS is BUILDING a case. I ain’t no loy-ya, but I know this. Pretty sure…I think this maybe why he said what he said about starting an investigation?

    @Anon – best thing for POTUS to do is confront these traitors and say “Admit your crimes publicy and you will be spared death for treason”.

    Then they go to Gitmo …in a ship where POTUS makes them row it themselves…below decks.


  6. Anonymous,
    That’s what I’m hoping for, that with enough pressure, some of them will spill all the beans when they fully realize they were beclowned by 0bama and they’re about lose everything. I think it may have already happened with some of the lower-level hacks.

    I think all that’s going on now is that Team Mueller is trying to manage the fallout of this coverup, negotiating deals and immunities, determining who will hang and who will walk away unscathed, and how the Media/PR Firms are to report all of it. They are guilty coming and going and it’s all out in the open now, which is why the latest spin is “we had an FBI plant in the Trump campaign to protect him” nonsense.

    This whole thing, really, has been an attempt at “gaslighting” the American people, and it’s satanic. It’s how the Left operates on every issue. All. The. Time.

    “Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, hoping to make them question their own memory, perception, and sanity. Using persistent denial, misdirection, contradiction, and lying, it attempts to destabilize the target and delegitimize the target’s belief.”

  7. “Wouldn’t it be great if he turned states’ witness against Obama and/or Hillary?”

    Wouldn’t it be great to just go ahead and try him for treason, find him guilty and hang him? He might not divulge thing about Obama or Hillary but I’d bet a few others would be encouraged to talk. Nothing like a good example.

  8. @ Lowell & BF- Well then, if that would be the turn out?? Then truly would we have CW2.0

    Not good!

    I hope that traitor-coconspiritor gets a PANICK ATTACK on live TV/cable.

    This way me and my troops can watch a clip here, at IOTW and the Net… FOREVER.

    THis m’effer and c’esser speaking with ‘FORKED…not Fkcd… tongue’!!!!

    Sorry ladies I AM PISSED AT THESE


  9. Executions set important examples. Effective and cost-efficient. That’s why they continue.

    Brennan’s threatening to deploy his personal insurance copies of CIA blackmail files on key players, Ryan & McTurtle for openers.
    Desperate move.

    When you’ve had the luxury of real power long enough, your other coping skills atrophy.
    Hilary’s a prime example.

    Brennan belongs in Gitmo, blowing bubbles. I agree he’s dangerous.
    If Trump orders it, Brennan’s potential victims certainly won’t interfere.

    Brennan should read Tiberius and Sejanus. Once you have dangerous dirt on everyone, everyone is united in wanting you dead.

  10. My theory is Brennan is trying to take the fall for all those who pull the strings. He thinks all this barking will distract the wheels of justice away from those who are truly responsible. He will act all crazy and confess to a bunch of stuff, while trying not to expose his handlers.
    Sorry Johnny. Trump won’t play that game. He already knows enough about what and who and when to steer the wheels of justice right past you.

  11. He should either die a painful, pig blood coated bullet enduced death, or suffer the rest of his life in Gitmo, with nothing but a pork diet and a skillet of bacon perpetually cooking upwind of his cell.

  12. If he’s seen as a threat to EITHER HRC or BHO (and can’t be one without the other) he’ll be dead. There are some really vicious and foul people in their employ.

    If he’s lucky (and the hit-man’s in a good mood), he’ll get a quick head shot.
    If Clinton and Obola want to make an example … uhh … not so good …

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. Brennen forgot a few quotes that are more applicable to his actions.

    “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.”
    Marcus Tullius Cicero

    “I know not what treason is, if sapping and betraying the liberties of a people be not treason.”
    Cato the Younger

  14. I’d pay good PPV money to watch Brennan swing from the end of a rope. Might even get enough other people to watch to help pay down the National Debt.

  15. Lowell, bob frapples and the likers.
    Your loser view is itching on my last berve.
    And the next fucker that comes in my world and starts spouting “Nothings Happening”. You know whats coming.

  16. Hey Johnny, here’s a suggestion.
    Take that keffiyeh off your bald empty noggin’ and wrap it around your neck and a high tree limb. The next move is yours.

    Jimmy Hoffa’s not feeling well and we need a fourth for bridge this Thursday.

  17. Brennan – scowling old Irish Prick.

    That is the comment I made on Twitter a couple of months back – before they politely told me my presence there is no longer needed.


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