Corona Cops at JFK airport – IOTW Report

Corona Cops at JFK airport

For those asking, I’ve been traveling a lot and have ONLY been asked to sign these forms when flying into NYC, all that includes JFK and LGA. So if you want to avoid it.. fly in NJ. They collect your info and “check up” on you after a week or so regarding quarantining. Watch

10 Comments on Corona Cops at JFK airport

  1. This is why I memorized the address, phone number, birth date, and full legal name of my POS libtarded neighbor. I help enforce the memory into my brain by signing him up for every free trial advertisement I find so it comes across naturally when confronted by the law.

  2. Remember the unexpected can bite you. We are in unstable times. I think that unnecessary long distance traveling
    particularly involving air flights may see the same problems that we had after 911 when everything was grounded and people were stranded for days, far from home.
    Add the violence, rioting and crime that would occur in a coup fight and seriously consider if the trip you are planning is worth your getting into a bad spot.


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