Coronation of King Charles Set for May 6th 2023 – IOTW Report

Coronation of King Charles Set for May 6th 2023

Breitbart: The Coronation of King Charles III will take place next May, Buckingham Palace had said, a thousand-year-old ceremony laden with tradition and symbolism, but possibly with a modern twist this time around.

A statement Tuesday afternoon from Buckingham Palace, the official London residence and administrative centre of the monarchy revealed the Coronation of King Charles III will take place on Saturday 6th May, 2023. The date is earlier than some Royal-watchers supposed, with a summer date to make the most of the weather thought likely.

As with every Coronation of every king and queen in English and then British history since 1066, next year’s Coronation is to take place at Westminster Abbey, the 1,060-year-old church in central London.

While the Coronation is one heavy with history, symbolism, and tradition, the statement by Buckingham Palace appears to nod at reports in the press in recent days that the ceremony will be somewhat shortened to appeal to modern attention spans, and be made more “relevant” to the recently diverse people living in the United Kingdom. The communication read: “The Coronation will reflect the monarch’s role today and look towards the future, while being rooted in longstanding traditions and pageantry.” more here

21 Comments on Coronation of King Charles Set for May 6th 2023

  1. what role does the Monarchy even have? Yell at me about Climate Change while big ears jumps on a private jet to watch a polo match have way around the world? No thanks……

  2. “and be made more “relevant” to the recently diverse people living in the United Kingdom.”

    The possibilities are endless; an honor killing of a woman that refused to cover her head, a stoning of someone who drew Mohammad, or how about the standard crowd pleaser, throwing some gays off of a tall building?

  3. I’m American, I have no use for a monarchy.
    While you’re at it Chuck.
    Take back that useless f*ck of an idiot ginger, who may or may not be your spawn.
    You remember him, the one that thinks our freedoms are “Bonkers”.
    And take that narcissistic little bully he married, too.
    We don’t need or want your trash on this side of the pond.

  4. There is 1 Good thing about the Monarchy:


    The monarchy regularly Humiliates Meghan Markle.

    Other than that, Fuck Em All!

    Your loyal Subject (MY ASS) Kcir from The Dominion of Canada

  5. Jordan Peterson made a good point that the royalty has one good function in that there is at least one higher power that their prime minister and parliament are actually under in their cultural Hierarchy. Fair point. And yes Shang kwon has won the Internets today.


  6. “And take that narcissistic little bully he married, too.
    We don’t need or want your trash on this side of the pond.”

    She’s US trash. UK already sent her back where she belongs.

  7. Harry, the dumb shit, is going to find himself in a financial bind some day.

    I doubt if he has any marketable skills to make it on his own. If I was him I’d get my ass back to Limey-land, with or without Margie Merkin and beg to be let back into “The Family”. If he doesn’t do that, he’s going to be screwed.

    They’re only going to milk Netflix for a short time. How many acting parts is his wife going to get in the future? Minimal, I’d say. I predict there will be huge fights between them over finances. I think he’ll start trying to convince her to go back to the UK and live the Royal Life, and if she doesn’t agree he’ll go back without her. Big scandals and Lots of material for People and US magazines.

  8. Tim Buktu:

    Neither one of them is going back to the UK. They have both burned every bridge possible. They will soon be (and almost are) relagated to the sad and sorry existance that the traitor Edward V111 and his vile American wife, Wallis Simpson, were made subject too. The British Royal Family take no prisoners where treachery lives.

  9. Are the Markles attending the spectacle? The Markles want their brats to attain the HRH title. King Charlie wants to see the books before published, and interviews before they’re aired before the HRH titles are granted to the two Markle brats. For a couple who wants nothing to do with the Monarchy, they sure want those titles for their brats…future earnings with the title. Zilch without. Markles want the milk and cow for free.


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