Coronavirus cases, deaths in Georgia continue to decline, three weeks after re-opening – IOTW Report

Coronavirus cases, deaths in Georgia continue to decline, three weeks after re-opening

Just the News: Three weeks into the Georgia’s coronavirus reopening process, the state continues to post declining new cases and new deaths from the contagion, says GOP Gov. Brian Kemp.

While announcing the encouraging the encouraging numbers, he also urged residents to “remain vigilant” in their fight against the disease. 

Georgia became one of the earliest states to move toward reopening its broadly shuttered economy, with Kemp allowing some businesses to re-open on Apr. 24 under restricted conditions.

The state has followed a staggered reopening over the subsequent 20 days. Restaurants, gyms, bowling alleys, salons and other businesses have been allowed to re-open, though bars and live music venues remain closed for the time being.  read more

7 Comments on Coronavirus cases, deaths in Georgia continue to decline, three weeks after re-opening

  1. This appears to be the wrong cure for the wrong problem, Fauci!
    You really should resign no letter than immediately, You have screwed 100,000 small business owners. Hanging wouldn’t do much good now!

  2. Hey Georgia,

    Maxine and Co in California have a time limited deal on Test Kits

    Ask for the buy get one free special
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  3. news flash to all those ‘expert’ ‘Scientists’ & such … it’s called warm weather

    happens to end every cold & flu season every year, throughout time

    really! … not kidding at all!!! …………. sheesh

  4. One American’s Opinion

    It’s about time that we begin suing various tyrannical state governors for criminal negligence in regards to increases in job/business losses, suicides, child/domestic abuses, etc., due to dysfunctional, incompetent, draconian and medically unscientific business shut downs and quarantining the healthy and for the blatant disregard of American’s Constitutional rights.

    This includes measures to unconstitutionally tanking the American economy until a vaccine is found (if ever) when a decades-old medication for malaria has been consistently shown to be effective for COVID-19 cases ranging from mild to serious.

    Due to reports of under-the-table, possibly criminal dealings amongst Bill Gates (who reportedly finances and supports the vaccine industry) and Dr. Fauci (to name a few players seeking claim to the vaccine patent), such that Fauci is unscientifically slowing and thereby prolonging the virus, listing patients as dying “with” COVID-19 instead of “from” (despite presenting other serious illnesses at death) and suggesting medical scare-tactic scenarios, quarantining the healthy, extending statewide lockdowns, closing schools and “non-essential” businesses until a vaccine is found (if ever).

    Unknown in its early stages, the “pandemic” is now beginning to demonstrate upper mortality rates more in line with annual influenza, which strongly suggests all draconian pandemic measures extending into the Summer and/or “until a vaccine is found”, should be lifted.

    In addition, Dr. Fauci has never been an elected official nor given the authority to influence or strong-arm our government and Country with unproven suggestive schemes and scare tactics in dealing with this virus and should be held accountable for his foot-dragging, pandemic opinions and actions which is increasing the damage to our economy, job loss and other disasters.

    Financial relief should be sought via the judicial system and/or Class Action suits; and, Dr. Fauci should be relieved of his duties as part of the national Coronavirus Panel, as his reported actions and personal associations with people connected to rushing towards a COVID-19 vaccine and holding the patent additionally suggest a serious conflict of interest.

  5. Well DUH! Never ………..ever……….. should have been a shutdown! Everyone is an asshole and I am completely fed up with this shit. YES! sick sheeple should stay the fukc home…..ALWAYS! Well sheeple should never…. I MEAN NEVER accept being quarantined…. This has always been about something else. It has never been about “health”.


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