Coronavirus Comes to Academia: Don’t Give Them a Dime Until They Cut Their Bloated Administrations – IOTW Report

Coronavirus Comes to Academia: Don’t Give Them a Dime Until They Cut Their Bloated Administrations

PJ Media: America’s leading universities have begun to respond to the financial consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. Duke University will “pause” construction projects, new expenditures, and hiring, and freeze salaries (with the possibility of a bonus for employees earning less than $50,000). Princeton University will suspend faculty and staff salary increases, freezing new hiring save in exceptional circumstances, giving notice that the number of temporary, casual, and contracted positions is likely to plummet at the end of the semester, asking managers to reassign staff whose regular jobs are face-to-face to take on new tasks, and cutting all “non-essential spending.” Stanford University has frozen new hires and some of its top administrators have taken pay cuts—the provost and the president by 20% and other senior administrators by 5-10%.

These spending pauses and hiring freezes are partly a good idea. Colleges and universities need to be fiscally prudent as a depression suddenly looms. But they also freeze in place massively overgrown education bureaucracies. Ohio State University employs 88 diversity-related staff, which is 88 more than it needs. Harvard employs more than 50 Title IX coordinators, which is also surplus by 50. Sustainability, Student Success, Student Life, Residential Life, Community Engagement, First Year Experience, Multiculturalism, Equity, Inclusion—America’s universities, from the Ivies to the community colleges, possess vast bureaucracies that at best do nothing to promote education and for the most part, actively work to prevent it. read more

12 Comments on Coronavirus Comes to Academia: Don’t Give Them a Dime Until They Cut Their Bloated Administrations

  1. Along the same lines, the mayor of our city got on the tube and assured us taxpayers that even though revenues were way down, no city employees would be laid off. That pissed me off because the last time I checked the city budget it could be cut in half and the only ones who would complain are the ones that don’t produce anything.

  2. How else are they supposed to create anti-American liberals – – oops, I mean brainwash – – oops, I mean indoctrinate – – oops, I mean dumb down – – oops, I mean educate students without all those parasites – – oops, I mean brainwashed idiots – – oops, I mean all that commie scum – – oops, I mean all that bureaucracy?

  3. They sell Prinxess of Diversity titles. That is their business. It’s what they do. But I’m expected to nod along with the deep thought, that their hiring of Prinxesses of Diversity is a bad thing? I’m supposed to have an epiphany(!), that if they’d just fire their, own, Prinxesses of Diversity, to cut costs, and increase profits, on the Prinxess of Diversity titles they will continue to sell, that they’d be better. Better businesses. Better for society. All around better? That’s deep. (Don’t ask “Deep what?” That’s problematic.)

  4. Fukin Puke University and their gang of eighty eight signed off on being judge, jury and executioners of the four boys accused of rape by a low life tool of the Left. This ended, not with any convictions, but a huge liability for the University costing them upwards of 100 million dollars, yet NO ONE lost their jobs!
    I dare you to try that shit where you work and keep yer job!!
    Then there’s Oberlin…
    THIS is the kind of shit they’re spending YOUR (not the kid’s) tuition money on!!
    That and indoctrination!


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