Coronavirus testing really is overrated, and there are more efficient ways to control the spread – IOTW Report

Coronavirus testing really is overrated, and there are more efficient ways to control the spread

WaEx: The new thing the national media want us to be angry about is that President Trump is minimizing the importance of coronavirus testing.

They all act as if a positive or negative result does anything more than tell us, “Yup, you’ve got it.” Or, “Nope, you don’t have it yet!”

I say “yet” because it seems like only a matter of time before the majority of the population contracts the virus, though early indications are that most of us won’t even realize it when we do.

The president surely knows that, and on Thursday at the White House, after it was reported that one of his assistants was found to be positive, he called testing “somewhat overrated.” more

5 Comments on Coronavirus testing really is overrated, and there are more efficient ways to control the spread

  1. Here’s the thing. If the media and the Democrats truly believed that ending the lockdown and reopening the country would be the disaster they claim it would be, they would be demanding Trump do it. Because that way they could pin the disaster on Trump. They wouldn’t be moving the goalposts and saying we need tens of millions tested before we even consider reopening. They’d be howling for us to reopen with the same vehemence as their howls for testing.

    But they’re not.

    And that tells me all I need to know.

  2. Dianny is correct … after they all get ‘tested’ they’ll move on to some other whine

    … pretty soon they’ll all be insisting on a Federally-mandated program (that PDT should have forseen) for “everyone that needs one” to be issued a buttplug to stop the leakage of their butthurt … sized accordingly, of course

    btw, Herd Immunity … worked for thousands of years … always does, always will

  3. They’ll never test me or vaccinate me for any flu or flu-like virus. I will actually shoot anyone who tries.
    All influenza vax are deadly to me so it ain’t happening. And let me tell you, I am tanned enough to get the ACLU to fight for me. lol

  4. I saw a patient today who is having surgery early next week. He was tested two days ago. The test is worthless, he could get the virus in the interim days between the two procedures. I’m waiting for a call to find out about when I get tested before an upcoming procedure as well.


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