Correct. – IOTW Report


16 Comments on Correct.

  1. Bravo! … point well taken

    a well-placed kick in the crotch!

    (btw, I always thought if one of my daughters or granddaughters took their hyphenated name that it would be a proud honor to my family)

  2. I used a similar tactic on a woman who hyphenated. Because feminist. I said, “So you’re taking your mother’s husband’s name and adding it to your husband’s name? Long live the Patriarchy!”
    I also use my maiden name with my husband’s name. Without the hyphen. Just like Christian married women have done for millenia.

  3. People sure get hemmed up over the dumbest stuff.

    I got a letter from a guy named “Schwann” – that’s his (her?) first name.
    Either its mother was illiterate or its biological father was the Schwan’s guy.
    Names – if history is bunk – names are … well … pretty meaningless.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I remember an attorney in my old office had the hyphenated name plate outside her oddice door. One day, the name plate was broken off, removing husband’s last name. No one needed to ask her what happened. Subtle.

  5. We took our sons middle name from my moms maiden name, my oldest daughters middle name is from my wife’s maiden name. Two of my granddaughters have family names as well, Dylan’s middle name comes from both of her great grandmothers, Jean. her little sister has my wife’s name as her middle name and Esther is named after her Norwegian great grandmother. And my wife’s family has lots of the same names as some of their uncles like my son Thomas. Bob, David, Mike. And he might name his next child who hopefully will be a boy to be born in either late August or early Sept. of this year either after my dad or his great grandfather Getty. There is nothing wrong about keeping family names alive for generations yet to come.

  6. And his cousins Bob, David , Mike and there are even some with the middle name of Aloysius because my father in law was a staunch Catholic. Only one of my brothers was named after my dad but he has always used his middle name Scott..


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