Cortez calls for a unionized tree-planting force to solve the ‘climate crisis’ – IOTW Report

Cortez calls for a unionized tree-planting force to solve the ‘climate crisis’

On Thursday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) went before Congress to talk about her plan for a “civilian climate corps,” among other things.

AOC starts out by talking about how the bill she is co-sponsoring with Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) in which “there is no age limit to participation.” As of now, neither AOC nor anybody else has mentioned how this could possibly mesh with existing child labor laws on the books, considering, as is mentioned below, she considers that positions with this “civilian climate corps” would be financially-compensated work. MORE

28 Comments on Cortez calls for a unionized tree-planting force to solve the ‘climate crisis’

  1. This is a dumbass idea from an even dumber congress critter. They’d probably hire a bunch of worthless eco weenies and tree huggers to work in the forests, a lot of inexperienced knuckleheads who’ve never been in the woods before and wouldn’t know the first thing about proper forest management. And union wages to boot, what could go wrong? My dad’s oldest brother who was a CCC supervisor back in the 1930’s would think this is nothing but a boondoggle and a waste of taxpayers money, I can see him spinning in his grave yelling, “Stop the insanity, now.” And he was a lifelong FDR democrat who finally came around to being conservative only after working for the govt. all his life when he retired and was in his 80’s and 90’s before he died at the age of 99, 3 years ago.

  2. I guess she wants to unionize the horde of illegals to plant the trees, since they do all of our landscaping anyway. But I reckon it’ll all pay off if they plant enough money trees.

  3. “Unionized”
    1 planting trees
    3 supervising
    6 administrating
    10 on oversight panel

    Might as well toss in a “special advisor to the WH” position complete with it’s own staff while you’re at it.

  4. can see it now. a small army of otherwise unemployable stoners to obey her every whim, no matter how twisted. Col Kurtz ain’t got nothin’ on this bimbo.

  5. geoff….you’re right but it’s more like a black hole and you might just get sucked in….you know a black hole ….where light and all common sense disappears

  6. This is a great idea. After planting a tree, they can climb it and starting screaming hysterically when they see a snake.
    Not too many snakes seen crawling around Harvard Yard, but lots of ’em teaching classes.

  7. Boston College should take her degree back. She is a poor advertisement fir getting a degree from there

    And if she is in debt $250 thousand she should definitely ask for her money back if this crap is what she paid for

  8. I’m sorry, but my shop steward says I don’t have to plant those trees because they affect my allergies. Hey, digging the holes is not in my job description, where’s the unionized tree hole digger? That is a 2″ diameter tree, my doctor says I can only plant 1.5″ diameter trees because of my back. Okay, I planted the tree, where’s the unionized tree hole filler in?

  9. This is a great idea, but she needs to lead a test group on a demonstration project first. I suggest planting trees in Death Valley and prove she can change the climate there. Now would be a good time for her to get started.

  10. Send them to my property. I’ve been paying hundreds of dollars a year out of pocket, and busting my ass to plant trees. Might as well get something for all the tax money I pay.

  11. Something like 90% of the O2 we breathe comes from ocean-based plants (phytoplankton) so the land based vegetation is comparatively equal to how much power we get from wind farms vs fossil fuels.
    So hey, how about we quit dumping all manner of crap in the ocean?.

  12. By the time ANY of these trees grow to the point of payback in carbon reduction, the Earth will be completely destroyed by climate change. If you don’t believe me, just ask “the idiot” that said we had 12 years left before we all die….FYI that idiot is none other than AOC her genius self.

  13. HMMMM this is the same Congress critter is the author of the green new deal. BTW Planting trees is NOT a bad idea overall didn’t President Trump propose tree planting to alleviate Global Bullshit Warming????????


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