Cortez Is Setting Women Back Light Years In Politics – IOTW Report

Cortez Is Setting Women Back Light Years In Politics


She doesn’t deserve to be lauded as millennials’ feminist icon. Her incompetence with numbers and jumbled facts validate every negative stereotype women have been trying to erase for years.

Vox dubbed her “the most buzzed-about first-term member of the House of Representatives,” and The Atlantic credited her with an “unusually transparent approach to public relations.” She’s a former Bernie Sanders campaign volunteer and a self-styled democratic socialist. Despite all the fanfare, her recent “60 Minutes” interview with Anderson Cooper shined a bright spotlight on a painful fact: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will make it harder for young women in politics to be taken seriously in the future.

In mere minutes, Ocasio-Cortez managed to affirm nearly every negative stereotype about the female sex, from the trope that we’re no good at math to the notion that you shouldn’t trust us with a credit card. If all you saw was her example, you’d think we’re all just emotional dreamers who need to be reined in by reality.

Ocasio-Cortez is not the feminist hero most media coverage has made her out to be. If anything, her time in the spotlight has set women in politics back.

Ocasio-Cortez Is Not a Feminist Hero

“I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right,” Ocasio-Cortez told Cooper after he asked about her careless and incorrect analysis of the defense budget. In one sentence, Ocasio-Cortez portrayed herself as a woman who is ready to subordinate facts to her moral convictions, confirming achingly anti-female stereotypes. She may as well have driven erratically down the highway or failed to catch a gently thrown ball. Of course, she later admitted that being factually correct is “absolutely important.” She just doesn’t seem to care much about facts and numbers when she’s tweeting.

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24 Comments on Cortez Is Setting Women Back Light Years In Politics

  1. Now that she’s on the House Financial Servcies Committee, chaired by none other than braintrust Maxine Waters, one of the least watched committees broadcast on CSPAN (yawn) just became “must watch teevee” for the sheer entertainment.

  2. I don’t feel one way another about women in politics except for the ones that make women look stupid. Just like the pussy hat women, they embarrass me all to hell. But horse teeth takes the cake.

  3. She thinks a food stamp says ‘Chiquita” on her banana….
    Her Green energy tzar is Uncle Fester sucking on a light bulb…
    She crossed her legs and Sharon Stone died…
    An ice chest sued her for copyright violations…
    She changes the light bulb in her refrigerator hourly…
    Her ice cube maker haunts her dreams…
    Her snow tires don’t have any snow on them…
    She went to the zoo and was pissed off that the zebras only came in black and white…like the penguins…
    She bought a penguin and couldn’t figure out where to put the ink Cartridge….
    She lost her laptop because she left it on the coffee table…
    She quit making coffee because it said ‘Mr. Coffee’….
    She quit sleeping with Down pillows so she wouldn’t get the syndrome…
    Her doctor had to tell her to take aspirin orally and she said ” ah yes, like the Santana song”…

  4. Wanna know why we’re in trouble?
    When I mentioned to most people before the election that Maxine Waters would be leading the House Financial Services Committee practically no one knew how alarming that would be.

  5. This bimbo is merely a reflection the bimbos and limo liberal bimbos who elected her.

    They all think Legally Blonde was a documentary.

    Cortez”s life experience was as a bartender. She is too ignorant to be embarrassed by her arrogance. Hence, her dancing around like a fool.

    She is also marching with the rabid bigots of the ‘Womens march.’ That alone makes her scum, and antiAmerican.

  6. Someone should ask cortez how she views water’s living arrangement. They could phrase it something like: “maxine waters does not live in the district that she represents. She can’t even vote to elect herself in a general election. That withstanding, she lives in a multi million dollar mansion, with her rich bankster husband, in another district, not wanting to live among her electorate, in their squalid conditions. Do you think this is right, or might she convince you to do the same and move back to the rich suburbs of your youth?”
    I would like someone to ask her that

  7. The articles main premise is weak. Look at the comments here. No one looks at her as a feminist hero. No one thinks she set back women in politics.

    Everyone recognizes that this particular individual is an idiot.

    An adorably sweet idiot who would do really well as a first grade teaching assistant.

    She doesn’t set back anything for women. She does however, set back everything for millennials. By like…. 850 years. You people are fugged.

  8. I agree, Mr. Burr. AOC and I may have vaginas in common, as we do teeth, but…. I have teeth in common with horses, as well. I identify with neither.

    AOC certainly sets *something* back, although I am still considering what, exactly. Congress looms big in my mind, along with public education.

    ….Lady in Red

    PS I feel she is too self-absorbed and arrogant to be a successful first grade teaching assistant.

  9. She doesn’t deserve to be lauded as millennials’ feminist icon. Her incompetence with numbers and jumbled facts validate every negative stereotype women have been trying to erase for years.

    This (gender non-specific) is what feminism has given us. Because this is what feminism is. So, what’s the cure? For this travesty? According to feminists? Why… More feminism! Better feminism! It’s only less than perfect, because the perfect people haven’t been allowed to rule! Us! We, better than, feminists!

    (And proles wonder how a feminist can be a CommunistDemocratic-Socialist. Proles. Deplorable.)

  10. Yeah, we don’t need any more idiots teaching first graders. It has happened already. They are now teaching college seniors, who will teach more idiots. And on and on.
    Look at how easy it was for CNN et al to disparage a group of Catholic students in Washington. yesterday. Even their school let them down. I am so phucking pissed off, I can’t think straight anymore. We are in deep shit as a Nation.
    I just pray that President Trump prevails.


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