Cortez: U.S. Is ‘Native Land’ for All Latinos – IOTW Report

Cortez: U.S. Is ‘Native Land’ for All Latinos

Breitbart: All Latinos have a race-based right to migrate to the United States, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said Thursday.

“We have to have … respect for the right of human mobility,” Ocasio-Cortez told a press conference on Capitol Hill.

She continued, “It is a right. We are standing on native land, and Latino people are descendants of native people. We cannot be told and criminalized simply for our identity or our status.”

Ocasio-Cortez’s racial claim would allow hundreds of millions of Latinos to migrate to the United States, regardless of U.S. laws and voters’ preferences. Her argument would also deny similar race-based migration rights to people who are not Latinos.

The New York Representative tied her open borders claim to her denunciation of funding for the Department of Homeland Security. “I will not commit one dollar – not one dollar — to an agency which dived when they were trusted to take care of Jakelin Caal.”

Caal was a Guatemalan child who died in early December 2018 after her father carried her across a remote stretch of the U.S-Mexico border. He was part of a large group of economic migrants who illegally entered the United States.

Ocasio-Cortez’s racial argument is different but also complementary to the open borders claims by American progressives who argue that the United States is a nation of and for immigrants, not a nation of and for Americans and their children.  more

33 Comments on Cortez: U.S. Is ‘Native Land’ for All Latinos

  1. Go talk to Elizabeth Warren about native rights. Tell us how it works.

    Sweety, you can not renegotiate a contract after all parties have signed on. Leave us a message and we’ll get back to you.

  2. White Spaniards raped their way across Latin America to create the Hispanic peoples, yet the Left only condemns other white peoples for taking over the New World.

  3. They don’t want to come here for the dirt, they have that where they currently live. They want to come here to take or “share” the wealth created by the “white man”.

  4. I really do not want to be crude, but I sure hope she is good in the sack because this woman is just a moron. And the press loves her. I do think she is a Republican plant.

  5. The original inhabitants of the Americas did not pop up out of nowhere. They arrived in waves of migration from Asia on the West and to a lesser extent from Europe on the East. They were not Latinos. Ms Cortez’ ancestors in Puerto Rico were not descendants of original populations, in any case. They were mixtures of various peoples who came to live on that Island.

    Anyway, this idea of racial purity conveying eternal rights to some groups is very dangerous. It leads to no good. Cortez might have benefitted from studying 20th century history in college rather than double majoring in economics and international relations where she apparently learned nothing.

  6. “We have to have … respect for the right of human mobility,” Ocasio-Cortez told a press conference on Capitol Hill.

    Unless of course it involves airplanes.

  7. Everyone that voted for her should permanently lose their right to vote in the future. Unless of course they move to Venezuela and vote there. I’m fine with that.

  8. She should watch what she says after all her last name is Cortez just like Hernando Cortez one of the the Spanish Conquistador’s who conquered Mexico and who destroyed the native peoples and forced them into slavery and abject poverty. And were probably good Jesuits to boot.

  9. She’s got her priorities messed up as usual. This isn’t native land for latinos, the buffalo were here first. Among other critters such as dinosaurs. She has been telling us human is destroying, like, the world. It’s time for all humans to give the world back to critters that were here before us so the world can thrive without the human parasite. It would be a positive for the universe.

    So long as we keep breeding Cortezs.

  10. Every fucking college in the U.S.

    That is who.

    She truly is the gift that keeps on giving.

    So, does this right of mobility extend to my travels to Central and South America or is it just a race based right founded on racial supremacist geography from 600 AD to 1500 AD?

    Everybody took land from somebody. I just want to have free reign to takeover a castle, parthenon or taj mahal once the years are established.

  11. Difference between current Latino invasion and European immigrants. Pilgrims had skills. They had to. They needed to be able to fix things on the boat at sea, and also to set up a colony and protect it.
    What skills are “her people” bringing to America?
    Whining isn’t a skill.

  12. The fact that she keeps blaming ICE for that little girl dying says all I need to know about this dumb cunt.

    Superglue a gold ingot in the middle of a busy interstate and then blame the ambulance driver for the person who died trying to pry it loose.

    That girl’s death is on Sandy Cortez’s hands more than ICE.

  13. So she’s talking about rights, is she? OK, Loca¹, while I agree there’s a right to travel, there’s a complementary right you’re ignoring: the right to property. In order to travel across or to a place, you have to secure the permission of the property owner, otherwise you’re trespassing.

    1. AbigailAdams made a good point last night and I’m not going to use her trademarked initials any more. But I found that if I squint just a bit, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez turns into Loca right away. So, for me, Loca it is.

  14. When the “White Man/Europeans” came to the new world, none of the North American indigenous peoples had invented the wheel yet. Think about that. The “White Europeans” already had well developed religions, the means to sail and navigate the world, astronomy, recorded languages, printed books, sophisticated weapons systems, medical treatments, systems of trade, civil infrastructure, written music with symphonies, organized armies, thriving agriculture, sophisticated metallurgy, firearms, organized governments, and so on. The native Americans were basically living in the stone age or just above it. Many were still living a nomadic/tribal existence and doing the hunting and gathering thing. They were killing each other and making slaves out of one another. You have to wonder that if somehow the New World had yet to be visited by peoples from the outside world if they would have progressed beyond where they were back then. The fact that there are very remote and isolated tribes of people in South America and elsewhere in the world that have not been touched by modern man and continue to this day to live a stone age existence gives us a clue about that. None of the people who demonize the white man and would like to kick him back to wherever he came from would choose to live life as it was before the white man came.

  15. “We must respect human beings’ right to life. Therefore, Elon Musk must give me a lifetime supply of Teslas. And free charging.”

    What does “respect for the right of human mobility” (even if you believe such a “right” exists), have anything to do with citizenship? Or governance? Or gibs?

    Or is that just a story you’d believe, if someone told it to you? (shake mah head)

  16. @Racer X February 8, 2019 at 10:40 am

    > I am aware of the Hot/Crazy matrix. AOC creates the need for a Stupid/Crazy matrix.

    Have you seen her make ’em bounce.
    “The matrix — there need only be one.”

  17. This land is my land.
    This land is my land.
    From California, to the New York Island.
    This land is my land.
    This land was made just for me.

    Loca’s updated folk song.

  18. There are a lot of people in this country or headed north on their way to this country that are dumber than her and they believe everything she says. Build the wall with concrete, top it with mines, and make it ten feet taller.

  19. The U.S. is the native land for all PATRIOTS, last I checked.

    Catch a ride over the wall, if you like Latinos that much. The catapult has PLENTY of room for commies, too! 😡

  20. I can only imagine what the continental US would look like had it not been populated by the founders. She probably also could stand a trip down to Texas to meet all the ranchers along the border that are Latino and are proud Americans, their ancestors fought for the US and they completely disagree with her absurd comments hence Hispanic approval for Trump up to 50%.


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