Cory Booker promises to pick a woman VP – IOTW Report

Cory Booker promises to pick a woman VP

DC: New Jersey Democratic Sen. Cory Booker told reporters Friday that he will definitely select a woman as his vice president.

He stated unequivocally, “there will be a woman on the ticket.”

This is not the first time Booker has signaled he would select a female, according to The Hill. During an interview with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC last month, Booker said that when it came to picking his running-mate, he would prioritize women candidates above men, adding “you will rarely see a Democratic ticket anymore without gender diversity, race diversity.”

Booker added mystery to his comments Friday, saying “I don’t know if it’s in the vice president’s position or in the president’s position.” Previously, Booker has spoken only of running for the top spot.  more here

29 Comments on Cory Booker promises to pick a woman VP

  1. Aaaand…he picks Hillary.

    …who expresses her sadness when he commits suicide 5 seconds after being sworn in…

    …no one ever said Democrats are SMART, especially the Affirmative Action kind…

  2. Do the Democrats only want one of their resident loonies as a Presidential candidate?

    Or does it just seem that way since they’re the only ones the MSM is promoting?

    Just curious.

  3. One of the problems the Dems (thankfully) will be facing is that they have been trying so desperately to appeal to every minority group, that no matter who they select, they will alienate 15 other groups. It’s going to be fun to watch.

  4. I thought that didn’t matter now since you can be whatever you feel like on a given day.
    Why doesn’t he just claim to be a woman like Bruce Jenner did? Problem solved.

  5. Toby – I don’t really think he cares about whut’s between a woman’s ears or legs.
    He’s just a cheap opportunist trying to get votes cuz he doesn’t have anything to run on.
    Frankly, what does any democRAT have at this point besides “weaken America any way possible”.


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