Cory Booker’s “baby bonds” Bill: Government would manage savings accounts for every baby born – IOTW Report

Cory Booker’s “baby bonds” Bill: Government would manage savings accounts for every baby born


A “baby bonds” bill to give up to $46,215 of taxpayer money to every baby born as a “birthright” is being pushed by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Rep. Ayanna (D-Mass.).

The bill, formally known as The American Opportunity Accounts Act, failed when introduced in Congress last year. Under the bill, the Treasury Department funds and manages savings accounts for every child born, with poorer families getting more money than more prosperous ones, Yahoo! Finance reports:


18 Comments on Cory Booker’s “baby bonds” Bill: Government would manage savings accounts for every baby born

  1. The liberal/socialist mantra has always, and will forever be, vote for us because we’re going to give you all this free stuff.

    The message is never “be a good citizen, work hard, study hard, always seek to improve your life conditions, stay away from drugs, be free and independent, and don’t always expect the government to help you or bail you out of trouble”.

    The socialist message is killing us.

  2. Hey Lar, Who are the “right people” you would recommend?

    I know if I was a Democrat, I’d volunteer for that giveaway. Democrats are like that. They know if they set up a gov’t giveaway, there’s always the opportunity to hit the jackpot. Kinda like when the Clintons disbursed all those millions in Haiti, right?

  3. Why not round up to $50,000?
    That, along with minimum wage of $15 to $20 an hour should result in prosperity for all.
    If you run out of that Booger money, just print more.
    JFK would be thrown out of today’s democrat party.
    New version: “ask not what can I do for the country or for anyone, ask what those rich white honkies can do for me when the government takes away all their money.”


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