Cory Booker’s Newark mayoral legacy: A $93 million dollar budget deficit – IOTW Report

Cory Booker’s Newark mayoral legacy: A $93 million dollar budget deficit

Sen. Cory Booker- Holding hands with his imaginary friend, T-Bone,
who he may or may not have driven to Hawaii with.



No wonder Senator Twitter was so keen on getting out of Dodge. After his departure the truth about Newark’s finances came out, and let’s just say his fiscal acumen doesn’t match his Twitter hype.

A property tax collection shortfall coupled with state budget regulations have forced city officials to figure out how to come up with more than $93 million in additional revenue to pay Newark’s bills in 2014, Acting Director of Finance Danielle Smith said in a public disclosure statement to investors, dated April 24.

“They said the sky is falling and we don’t know what to do,” Dan O’Flaherty, an economics professor at Columbia University said of the disclosure. “It was a pretty grim statement.”

In September, the city council adopted a $639.5 million budget that included a tax break for property owners. The reduced tax rate was introduced in large part because a city-wide re-evaluation in 2011 and 2012 shifted more of the tax burden onto commercial properties and away from homeowners.

The city had expected to collect more than $199.3 million in property taxes, but fell about $25 million short, collecting $174.8 million instead, according to the public disclosure statement.

In retrospect, “tax break for property owners” sounds like a giveaway in exchange for votes, eh? And it explains why Booker fits right in with Harry Reid’s Senate, where they haven’t enacted a balanced budget in something like forever.

So what is Booker-acolyte Acting Mayor Luis Quintana’s grand plan?

Beg Chris Christie for a bailout!



13 Comments on Cory Booker’s Newark mayoral legacy: A $93 million dollar budget deficit

  1. Just a drop in the ocean compared to what we will experience nationwide once everything Hussein has signed into law by executive fiat years and years from now hits the proverbial fan.

    Of course, he will already be in Hawaii….

  2. @fullcirclethinker: everything Hussein has signed into law by executive fiat years and years from now hits the proverbial fan

    I guess you haven’t been standing anywhere near the fan lately! (-:

    (BTW – the URL you’ve specified for your website – – is not working)

  3. Pussy, democrat light. Newark is a target rich environment. There is no excuse for him leaving office with anything less than an eleven digit deficit. Oh well, maybe he’ll redeem himself in the Senate. (On a roll but only had a quarter to put in sarcasm generator. Dang)

  4. Booker can use the $100 million that Mark Zuckerburg gave him. Oh yeah, Booker blew through that, and another $100 million in matching donations, for no effect.

  5. Same thing happen to Martin O’Malley from Baltimore now governor of MD and the press said mums the word on all of his scandals. I love the press er sycophants from hell.

  6. @Uncle Al:

    I do realize how much has ‘hit the fan’ over the past five plus years, but it is like standing in front of an air conditioner on a hot Algore induced summer’s day compared to what is coming.

    Also: I forgot that I let that URL go. How do I go about deleting it so it just shows my ‘moniker’?

  7. WTF? Is there a school for Negro Dhimmicrat politicians where they study corruption, graft, incompetence, mismanagement and nepotism? They all seem to have a “degree.” And most of the morons who vote for them are cheering them on, all the while they themselves are circling the drain. Somehow these disasters are all Weepubican, rich, whitey’s fault – how does that work? These people live in a very dark place….

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