Cory Mills rescues 13 Americans from Haiti in second rescue mission  – IOTW Report

Cory Mills rescues 13 Americans from Haiti in second rescue mission 


 Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL) rescued 13 Americans from Haiti over the weekend, marking the completion of his second trip to the Caribbean nation.

The congressman said the rescue mission included the recovery of a two-month-old baby and a three-year-old girl. The operation comes less than a week after Mills rescued ten Americans who worked for the “Have Faith” orphanage. more

17 Comments on Cory Mills rescues 13 Americans from Haiti in second rescue mission 

  1. Good man. It’s probably a very dangerous rescue mission, but he’s doing what heroes do.

    Just don’t deliver the saved Americans to Chicago, Detroit, or NYC. That’s all I ask.

  2. Pave Hatti over & turn it into a parking lot for the Dominican Re-Pube Lick.

    ya need somewhere to park while you drop in to buy “Cee-gars & Rum”

  3. “highways are largely blocked and controlled by gangs.”
    An Army of Rednecks could wrap it up in a weekend.
    But the Gov’t and MSM wants it to continue.

    And your neck doesn’t have to be red, you know what I mean.

  4. Haiti has no business being a country. They can’t feed themselves, have no GDP or anything of value to export; It’s just a hell-hole of human misery. How can it be, that in the 21st Century, we have such destitution and hopelessness in the Americas? This can’t be an accident. We have to wonder: What did they do, and to whom to make them so accursed?

  5. A real hero, and those who work with him.
    The resident of the WH still hasn’t done anything about Americans in danger anywhere.
    Especially not the citizens in danger from illegals.

  6. Illegals unfortunately have come to have more rights than normal American citizens because the left wants it that way in order to destroy America. How much longer are we going to put up with this before normal people declare all out open war on illegals and kick them out permanently back to their turd world shitholes. This will not end well, mark my words unless we get illegal immigration under control and send them all back permanently. If this makes me a zenophobe, so be it. America cannot stand as it was founded if we are replaced by hordes of illegal immigrants.

  7. LANCE a LOT
    They did nothing wrong.
    They’ve been used wrongly.
    They should have been repatriated back to Africa to live under the tribal rules that they have lived under for millennia.
    They have absolutely no concept of a free, and equal society as evidenced in the majority of black led countries.

  8. why the F is any American let alone any human being in Haiti. it’s the biggest unflushed toilet out there. i say that while living in NYC so i am kind of an expert in the field of unflushed toilets to lie in a this point

  9. Handsome Racist
    TUESDAY, 19 MARCH 2024, 13:41 AT 1:41 PM

    “They should have been repatriated back to Africa to live under the tribal rules that they have lived under for millennia.”

    Well, I was GOING to do that, then my Democrat Vice President had me shot in the head and changed everything so Democrats could keep their slaves under a different name.

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