Cost of Biden’s Weakness Continues: With Ukraine Worsening, Now It’s North Korea’s Turn – IOTW Report

Cost of Biden’s Weakness Continues: With Ukraine Worsening, Now It’s North Korea’s Turn

Blue State Conservative: In August, when Joe Biden oversaw one of the worst military disasters in American history – otherwise known as the Afghanistan withdrawal – it was clear that the US, and indeed the world, would be feeling the negative repercussions for years. The full force of those consequences is already been felt in Ukraine, and we’re beginning to see other side effects with Taiwan. And just when we thought things couldn’t get any worse, here comes Kim Jung Un to get in on the act in North Korea.

The collateral damage from the Afghanistan debacle was widespread. After eighteen consecutive months with zero combat casualties, Biden’s abandonment last summer resulted in thirteen Americans dying at the hands of terrorists outside of the airport in Kabul. Billions of dollars of military weaponry is now in the hands of the Taliban, and that equipment could be used against us for decades. And, of course, the human toll on women and innocent civilians who are now being subjected to the Taliban’s barbarism is incalculable.

But the most devastating effect of Biden’s botchery in Afghanistan is unquestionably the message it sent to the bad actors across the globe: America has a weakling in charge who doesn’t want conflict, so now is the time to implement those imperialist plans you’ve been sitting on. read more

12 Comments on Cost of Biden’s Weakness Continues: With Ukraine Worsening, Now It’s North Korea’s Turn

  1. I’m actually hoping that all the nutjobs act up at once. Let’s see how Kamala addresses these crises. We need this embarrassment to seal 2022 and 2024.

    And let’s not forget the border calamity.

    Gas prices should be $9/gallon by then.

    But all us well. Right, media sycophants?

  2. There is a lesson to be learned here. I doubt that the left will get it, fate can be quite fickle. Some group went to a great deal of planning to steal the 2020 election. I doubt that they worked alone. While the left manipulated the paper ballots with drop boxes, ballot harvesting and duplicate unregistered ballots, they were assisted by expert hackers from China, Korea and facebook (Wisconsin). The digital trail has already been recorded and exposed. This was a well-coordinated effort, well beyond what Democrats are capable of by themselves. If events continue as they are there is reason to believe that America will take some serious damage before it is over. We have lost the element of surprise with Biden’s feckless leadership. I suspect that he is only a useful idiot in the grand scheme. I’m concerned that he will do something very reckless and stupid if Russia, N Korea and China all dog pile on us. Call me a conspiracy nut for all I care but nothing happening now is any big surprise anymore

  3. It’s not ‘weakness’. It’s intentional.
    Biden is an extorted puppet. His only goal is keeping him and his son out of prison. And he’s sell our country out to do it.

  4. This was Obama’s vision. (And his cohorts)
    Now they’re moving as fast as possible because Trump and some great investigative real journalists exposed them.
    They want us all equally miserable while they live high on the hog.

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