Could genetically engineered mosquitoes combat the Zika virus? – IOTW Report

Could genetically engineered mosquitoes combat the Zika virus?

CLEVELAND, OH (WOIO) – A company called Oxitec believes genetically engineered mosquitoes could fight the Zika virus.

It’s waiting on approval to release millions of the mosquitoes in Florida. Its goal is to reduce the virus-carrying population by cutting down on their offspring, but the genetically modified mosquito hasn’t gotten off the ground here in the United States quite yet.

“They will actually mate with wild females and the offspring will die young, so they won’t live long enough to transmit the virus. That technology has been approved for use in Brazil, where Zika is a large problem now,” said Dawn Wesson, an associate professor of tropical medicine at Tulane University.

Meanwhile in Puerto Rico, where more than 5,000 people — including more than 670 pregnant woman — have been infected by the virus. A congressman is calling for the genetically modified mosquitoes to be deployed under an emergency authorization.

“In theory, that should work very well, the modeling suggests it should work very well. In reality, it may not be as clean cut as that, when Mother Nature comes into the picture, often things act differently than we expect them to,” Wesson said.  MORE

9 Comments on Could genetically engineered mosquitoes combat the Zika virus?

  1. Yeah. What Wesson said (above).
    If I remember correctly, there were early stories that the Zika virus was a genetic cross accident from genetically engineered mosquitoes that were bred to do the very thing that these next generation scientific eggheads want to try again. And probably with the same predictable results, another new virus to deal with.

    No. Not only no, but Hell No. Not only Hell No, but Fuckin’ Hell No!

    The Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences can Never Be Revoked.

  2. Bill Gates is behind the company that did this–it only works if there is an absence of any antibiotic in the environment. They unleashed them in Brazil where there was tetracycline everywhere and it became the epicenter of the Zika explosion. Gates playing god

  3. Hire all the illegal aliens to put prophylactics on the male mosquitoes or breed homosexual & lesbian mosquitoes.
    Or, Or …..genetically engineer vegan mosquitoes.
    Problem solved.

    Someone at a University will write a request for grant money and make a $200 million killing.

  4. Have we learned nothing from the Godzilla movies? You don’t mess with mother nature unless you want a 40ft tall green monster messing with Tokyo. Come on people, use your knowledge of movies.

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