Could someone please brush Jimmy Carter’s huge teeth with glue? Thanks. – IOTW Report

Could someone please brush Jimmy Carter’s huge teeth with glue? Thanks.

DAILY CALLER: Jimmy Carter Says Americans Want A ‘Jerk’ As President, But Says He Prays For Trump

Former President Jimmy Carter appeared on Friday night’s broadcast of “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” to promote his upcoming book, “Faith: A Journey For All,” but it didn’t take long for President Trump to become a prominent topic of discussion.

“Is there any chance you’re running in 2020?” Colbert asked to audience applause. “Because we could use a nice guy in the Oval Office.”

“I think 93 is the age limit,” Carter quipped.

Talking about the fact that Carter had assumed the Oval Office after Nixon and Ford, but seeming to refer to President Trump in the present day, Colbert asked Carter if Americans “want kind of a jerk as president.”

To which Carter replied, “Apparently, from this recent election, yes. I never knew it before.”

When asked what the most important qualities a president should have, Carter took another jab at Trump.

“I used to think it was to tell the truth,” said Carter. “But I’ve changed my mind lately.”  more

29 Comments on Could someone please brush Jimmy Carter’s huge teeth with glue? Thanks.

  1. Carter seems to be totally oblivious to the fact that for the last four decades he was considered the worst president. Now he has another contender but it ain’t Trump.

  2. See here Jimmy,
    I’m a takin what you say about prayin for our President as the truth and truth be told lots of us folks have been prayin to the Good Lord fer quite a spell about our country. That’s why the Lord saw fit to send us Trump for this here predicament we found ourselves in after the swamp folks like you held office for the last 5 decades. See, the problem with you swamp folks is you been standing in bull shit for so long you can’t smell or hear anything else.
    You folks plain ole like the smell you’ve been passing fer the truth for so long that this feller scares the crap outta ya. Trump cuts to the chase to straighten things out to the way they ought to be and you all get to name callin and gossiping.
    Sometimes leaders have to be jerks and for the next 6 years us real folks will be happier than a coon hound that’s treed a whole bunch of peckerheads like you Jimmy, cause Trump jerk, we’ll stand with him until we see real reason not to.

  3. Brain cancer requires a brain.

    That’s why Jimmy and John are lingering longer.

    Having cancer in an inert lump of petrified feces isn’t life-threatening.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. PotUSVSG (President of the United States, Very Stable Genius) is Trump.

    PotUSvsg (President of the United States, very stupid guy) is Carter.

    Basis of comparison — North Korea.

  5. Nice guys do not make good presidents. Presidents are required to make numerous decisions which we will never know about. Carter screwed up on the Iran hostage situation by procrastinating on a decision which cost lives, equipment and a dramatic loss of US prestige. How Carter got elected I’ll never know. At the next election Reagan ran over him like a Abrams runs over a roach. Carter was simply too indecisive to ever be a good POTUS.
    Clinton had some accomplishments but most of those seemed to enrich his own pockets.
    The Bush administration had a number of challenges and managed to increase the size and scope of the federal government to unimagineable size.
    Obozo was, and continues to be, a complete disaster. He was never properly vetted as he was chosen by the media as the next saint. Obozo took a left at every right turn, appointed incompetent administrators, weaponized the FBI/DOJ and increased the budget deficit more than any other POTUS in history.
    Which is exactly why we need DJT, A successful business man used to making big deals with juevos the size of Texas. He certainly is not in Washington to line his own pockets.
    Trump is attempting to return America to sanity. However he is being fought tooth and nail by Democrats, RINO’s and never Trumpers who like the status quo as they have figured out how to milk the federal cow. The MSM despises the president which is reason enough to support him.
    For Carter, or Colbert for that matter, to opine on Trumps job performance is ridiculous. Carter is at least tied for the most incompetent president in history and Colbert is a idiot supported by the liberal MSM. Neither of their opinions matter.

  6. Who says Jimmuh is/was a nice guy?! Ask the Secret Service.

    Jimmy is zeroing himself out as an ex-President on many counts:
    Dignified? No (still read Playboy?)
    Gracious? No
    Honest? No
    Competent? No (Economy, Middle East, NoKo, the Olympics…) 18% home loan rates!!!!
    Self-critical? NO (your Presidency hurt the country by all metrics, dimwit)

  7. Go home Jimmy, Rosalynns’ drunk again.

    He is reported to have carried an empty suitcase when going on trips as President to perpetuate that “common man’ image.

  8. Why should Trump be ‘nice’ to Americans’ enemies??
    We’ve needed a President who’ill kick the thieves, liars, incompetents and the self-entitled bureaucrats out of government. Carter couldn’t even imagine where to start in this fight. Even before he became a self-righteous glory hog.
    All Carter did was add to the problems and kick the can down the road we’ve travelled.

    “You want a friend in Washington, get a dog.” –Truman

    Didn’t Carter have a dog run away?

  9. I’ll pass on the nutty
    old anti-Semite’s book.
    I survived his wrecking
    of our economy that read
    like a training manual for
    our most recent anti-Semite
    America hating “leader” Obama.

  10. Never forget that Trump was elected regardless and in spite of the fraud in voting, illegal aliens voting and the mainstream media all on Hillary’s side. Not to mention they had an insurance policy in place that failed.
    They are losers that can’t take the ball home.


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