Could The Mask Mandate “Cure All” Have A Downside? – IOTW Report

Could The Mask Mandate “Cure All” Have A Downside?

12 Comments on Could The Mask Mandate “Cure All” Have A Downside?

  1. I really would like to write BULLSHIT on the front of any mask that I am forced to wear when I’m out in public. Also it would be nice to have one of those voice maker squeakers like in the See and say kids toys that plays animal sounds that would bleat out Baa, Baa, Baa etc. at least once or twice a minute just to annoy the hell out of Karens and other progtards and let them know that I am not a sheep. I am so sick of all this mask bullshit, they don’t do a damned bit of good and make everyone look like a bunch of brainwashed fools who think that by wearing a mask because media and the gubmint says so is a sign of virtue.

  2. “I really would like to write BULLSHIT on the front of any mask that I am forced to wear when I’m out in public.”

    An invisible insurgent can accomplish more than a highly visible one.

    Not that anyone is actually planning to be an insurgent against the mask beast.

  3. “The mask of the beast today, the mark of the beast tomorrow.”

    Exactly. But in between will come the vaccine. And God only knows what other globalist diktats.

  4. Aaahhh, the vaccine! It will come like manna from Heaven.

    Awaited by those who fought so hard against all prior legitimate vaccines that had been proven for decades.
    But THIS, this vaccine comes from a higher enlightenment!

  5. I want to get out, I’ve been confined at home because of my foot surgery since late April and am going nuts. My foot is almost healed, the physical therapist is working with me, I see the Dr. next Wednesday and hopefully can get fitted for an orthotic shoe soon so I can get back to normal and go back to work ASAP. I want to go over to CDA badly, I haven’t been there in more than 3 months. N Idaho Catholic if you’re anywhere close to there or Sandpoint or anywhere else in N. Idaho, I’d like to meet you as well. My dad grew up over there and if we would’ve inherited my grandfathers farm N. of CDA in Dalton Gardens in the mid 60’s I would’ve been an Idaho native as well.


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