Could this story stimulate a caffeine ban? – IOTW Report

Could this story stimulate a caffeine ban?


CHAPIN, S.C. – A South Carolina student who collapsed at school last month died from heart complications induced by too much caffeine, the Richland County coroner announced Monday.

Spring Hill High School student Davis Cripe died of a “caffeine-induced cardiac event causing a probable arrhythmia,” coroner Gary Watts said.

Watts attended a press conference with Cripe’s father Monday to discuss the case and said Davis Cripe had no pre-existing or undiagnosed heart problems and wasn’t addicted to caffeinated beverages, according to The State.  more here

10 Comments on Could this story stimulate a caffeine ban?

  1. If anyone here makes their own cold brew coffee, I learned that it is generally stronger than the stuff that comes out of the coffee maker, depending on steep time. I’m still experimenting with it because I cannot find a “recipe” with a water/coffee ratio and steeping time.

    BTW, it wasn’t the coffee, it was the dang chemistry laden energy drink.

  2. I think there is probably much more of this
    than is discussed. The ME generation drinks
    energy drinks like water. I don’t even touch
    a red bull or the 5 hour shit.

  3. I don’t see why these hyper-caffeinated drinks are over-the-counter or available at all.

    You can’t buy 200 proof liquor, so why should you be able to buy dangerously concentrated caffeine?!

  4. I can see it now. In the near future you’ll have to sign a register like you do with sudafed, the info goes into a govt data base, and you get cut off if you try to buy more than your allotment per month. Maybe CVS will buy Starbucks…

  5. I generally don’t get too critical of corporations however whenever we start sounding off about how much drug use is growing among young people all we have to do figure out why is to watch a few Mountain Dew commercials. All of their flavours have caffeine, some a lot more then others and the commercials are aimed at teens. They show kids doing the Dew and going from lazing on the couch to dancing up the basement stairs for a night out. Kind of tough for the anti-drug commercials to battle Madison Avenue normalizing drug use at an early age. You can also have a look at Red Bull commercials or any number of other energy drinks to see the same and worse.

  6. It was the crap in the Energy drink.
    The caffeine is an innocent bystander.

    I don’t normally drink energy drinks, but I chug coffee.
    Anyway, a couple of years ago I had a sports drink prior to running a marathon.
    It was my worst ever. I was cramping up by mile 9.

    Energy drinks are indeed dangerous, not caffeine.
    Naturally…they will ban caffeine.

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