Could you Democrats please tell your crazy minions to quit trying to stab Republican candidates? Thnx. – IOTW Report

Could you Democrats please tell your crazy minions to quit trying to stab Republican candidates? Thnx.


IS: A man attempted to stab GOP congressional candidate Rudy Peters during a fall festival Sunday. The pro-Trump Peters is running against Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell in California 15. The attacker, crazy Democrat Farzad Fazeli screamed and cursed about President Trump while he tried to stab Mr. Peters. Fortunately, the blade malfunctioned.  read more


19 Comments on Could you Democrats please tell your crazy minions to quit trying to stab Republican candidates? Thnx.

  1. Switchblades are not for stabbing. They are for slashing. They only have one sharp side. They have no blade guard or lock. If you stab, it will collapse and cut your hand.

    Sew pennies into a handkerchief or neckerchief. In the old days, sailors from L.A. would sew 13 pennies into their neckerchiefs before going downtown. During the zoot suit riots, they pretty much cleaned up the town with those.

    It really, really, hurts.

  2. If someone shook a finger at that gas bag Maxine Waters, there would be a hue and cry throughout the land the likes of which that can only be assuaged by endless riots, shaming of the entire white race, reparations and transfer of white owned property to ‘deserving’ Blacks

  3. Oh come on, that crazed, Trump supporting, whacko republican took offense at the poor, peaceful lefty trying to have a civil discourse on the republican platform and commenced to try running himself up on that knife the poor lefty was using to help a little old lady cut the nasty Trump bracelet off her arm. All to make the poor lefty look bad.

  4. Guy is a musloid, based on his name.

    “…was arrested for felony assault, criminal threats, brandishing a weapon, and possession of a switchblade knife.”

    What ever happened to “attempted murder”? Or “Battery”? Friggin’ leftist California pussy DAs.

  5. Dick Swallower is a total asshole. Not far from here. Traditionally a conservative district. Until this ass hole. The mouth piece for the communist party. Another fucking loser attorney that was going broke and decided to run for public office. The attempted stabbing will only help his rival. Let’s all hope.

  6. Some f–king judge is going to let Farside(lolTRF) out on bail. I can feel it on my bones. Be ready to swoop in and git him, Jeffy.

    And next time some worrier is worrying about no GOP yard signs, hearken back to this psycho.


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