Coulter: Country Overboard! Women and Children Last! – IOTW Report

Coulter: Country Overboard! Women and Children Last!

Brietbart: I’m still ticked off at him for not building the wall, but THANK YOU, PRESIDENT TRUMP, FOR POINTING OUT THAT MAXINE WATERS HAS A LOW I.Q.!

And there’s more great news! Contrary to every single New York Times editorial and opinion piece on the president’s “Muslim ban,” this week, the Supreme Court upheld the ban. 

Or, as a Times op-ed put it back on Jan. 27, 2017: “(T)he order is illegal. More than 50 years ago, Congress outlawed such discrimination against immigrants based on national origin. …” — “Trump’s Immigration Ban Is Illegal,” by David J. Bier, immigration policy analyst at the Cato Institute. 

For your immigration news, New York Times, maybe stop thinking you’re getting “both sides” by going to open borders activists at the International Refugee Assistance Project and, for the opposing view, open borders activists at the Cato Institute. 

Last week, in a column that does not misstate the facts and the law about immigration, I covered some typical asylum and refugee admissions to our country, including Beatrice Munyenyezi. She was the Rwandan who got into our country by claiming to be a victim of the genocide that killed nearly a million people, even though she had helped orchestrate it. 

Munyenyezi wasn’t the only participant in the Rwandan genocide who’s gotten in as a victim and then been unmasked as a perpetrator. So far, nearly 400 Rwandans granted special refugee status have been convicted of lying on visa applications about their role in the genocide. Great job, U.S. refugee admissions officials!  more

3 Comments on Coulter: Country Overboard! Women and Children Last!

  1. Psycho Chick (I love Trump. I hate Trump. Trump is the worst president ever.) Ann Coulter still can write pretty entertaining articles that fully expose the flaws of the liberal agenda.

  2. DAN
    Cato has been part of the New World Order/1 World Order syndicate for 29 years. They are “open borders” folk even though their “Read My Lips…!” headlines say otherwise .


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