Coulter: Leftists Are Creating A ‘Hilarious And Ferocious Generation Of Right-Wingers’ – IOTW Report

Coulter: Leftists Are Creating A ‘Hilarious And Ferocious Generation Of Right-Wingers’

DC: Conservative commentator Ann Coulter had an interesting take on young people when she appeared on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Tuesday.

Coulter told Tucker that leftists are “creating, without realizing it, this really hilarious and ferocious generation of right-wingers.”

“Has there ever been a more obedient little cadre of robots than college students?” The Daily Caller co-founder asked.

“Is anyone brave? Is anybody giving the finger to the man and speaking the truth? Where are those people? What happened?”  WATCH


13 Comments on Coulter: Leftists Are Creating A ‘Hilarious And Ferocious Generation Of Right-Wingers’

  1. Ann has a point, now that there are so many sources for information available many people are seeing a clearer picture of whats been happening in our government. The question is how many are awake to it. The left has a gift for making people feel like they have a minority view on things even when they don’t.
    I guess that question will be answered soon.

  2. “Has there ever been a more obedient little cadre of robots than college students?”

    Yes. In China. They came to the same conclusion, which lead to anyone that wasn’t on board with full-on communism being killed by these same youths. Purged. They want this here, too.

    This is why being called a Nazi is happening. Demonize first, then when you get around to snuffing them, you appear to be the good guy to these obedient robots useful idiots.

    Notice it’s always the very young that is convinced this is the right thing to do – (the purge).

  3. Last wknd my 16-yr old nephew said hey check this out, and whipped out a pocket-sized US Constitution from his backpack that he says is with him all the time.

  4. The left has been laboring furiously to dilute the traditional concepts of what it is to be an american. They infest the educational system from grade one through college. When confronted about the distorted and treacherous lies they attempt to pump into students the filthy bastards cite the 1st amendment!


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