COULTER: The ‘Resistance’ Goes Live-Fire – IOTW Report

COULTER: The ‘Resistance’ Goes Live-Fire


The explosion of violence against conservatives across the country is being intentionally ginned up by Democrats, reporters, TV hosts, late-night comedians and celebrities, who compete with one another to come up with the most vile epithets for Trump and his supporters.

They go right up to the line, trying not to cross it, by, for example, vamping with a realistic photo of a decapitated Trump or calling the president a “piece of s—” while hosting a show on CNN.

The media are orchestrating a bloodless coup, but they’re perfectly content to have their low-IQ shock troops pursue a bloody coup.

This week, one of the left’s foot soldiers gunned down Republican members of Congress and their staff while they were playing baseball in Virginia. Democratic Socialist James Hodgkinson was prevented from committing a mass murder only by the happenstance of a member of the Republican leadership being there, along with his 24-hour Capitol Police protection.

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20 Comments on COULTER: The ‘Resistance’ Goes Live-Fire

  1. When God-fearing, gun-owning rational citizens start shooting back at these vermin, the left’s attacks will ebb quickly. Witness the rapid decline in campus protests after May 4, 1970.

  2. I don’t know if the Dems new strategy is to win special elections to fill the seats of dead Republicans, but it sure looks that way to me. Because “The World Cannot Wait Until 2018”.

  3. Preaching hate. Advocating violence, assassination, and the violent overthrow of an elected Government.

    Time to officially declare the Democrat Party a ” Terrorist Organization “?

    Lock them up.

  4. TO flip

    I think the Left’s cowardice is limited to DIRECT CONFRONTATION,
    such as antifa getting its a$$ immediately beaten
    in a conflict they initiate.

    Whenever the Right begins to respond “in kind,” it will not be one-off, nor will it subide. The risk is that gubmint becomes “shocked! SHOCKED!” and uses it as an excuse to shut down the Right’s violence…which will invite only the obvious.

  5. Virginia Governor and all-around asshat Terry McAuliffe missed the mark in his little propaganda speech yesterday morning. I’m here to fix it for him.

    “There are too many guns hateful leftists on the street…we worry about this every day for all of our citizens,”

  6. @Czar: Yep, agreed, retaliation in kind carries risks.

    To keep eating the left’s shit sandwiches without response carries risks as well. It’s pretty clear at this point that the gubmint isn’t going to do anything about leftist domestic terrorism.

  7. TP flip

    Oh, no kidding!
    The time for hand-wringing (SEE: Conservative, Inc.) is LOOOONG OVER.

    The main thing I was trying to say was that the Left’s “dupes” (the paid antifas, etc) are relatively the easiest hurdle to cross…and that, one started, it’s sorta hard to stop the deluge (metaphorically speaking, I’ve got my galoshes and raincoat ready).

  8. And like clockwork, I just heard some GOPer hostage clown say, “If anything, this proves that both sides need to tone down their rhetoric.” Missed his name, dammit.

  9. RULE 9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”

    Yes, it certainly was more terrifying to Hodgkinson. You MSM geniuses didn’t actually think about who was being terrified, and now you have the thing itself on your hands. I’m afraid Saul can’t help you out here. You tossed Rule 7 long ago.

  10. The FBI could arrest any 6 of the top Leftist agitators and The Resistance would collapse.

    The FCC could crack the whip on the cable TV networks, including the Nuclear Option of The Great UnBundling which the networks fear most and which all Americans would applaud. You would see Corporate direct a 180 overnight. Faster and than you can say “Brian Williams”.

    Hail Hydra is for comic books. Cut the head off, and two heads do NOT grow back.

    When The Left grasps there is no future for the Left, the opportunists will, as always, change spots.

  11. SO YOU MEAN….

    All the black-clad protestors punching, kicking, beating, harassing, pepper-spraying Conservatives, rioting in the street setting fires, smashing windows, blocking traffic, trashing Trump day and night on t.v……


    Who is shocked by this really.

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