Councilwoman Fatally Shot Outside New Jersey Home Was ‘Targeted’ – IOTW Report

Councilwoman Fatally Shot Outside New Jersey Home Was ‘Targeted’

ZeroHedge:Eunice Dwumfour, a 30-year-old New Jersey councilwoman, was found dead outside her Sayreville home Wednesday evening in what officials believe was a “targeted” attack, authorities say.

In a press release, Sayreville police chief Daniel Plumacker and Middlesex County Prosecutor Yolanda Ciccone said a woman, later identified as Dwumfour, was located by police at 7:22 p.m. inside her vehicle with multiple gunshot wounds.

Police said the councilwoman was pronounced dead on the scene, noting that the incident is being investigated as a homicide.

No arrests have been reported in connection with the shooting. However, an eyewitness who lives in the area saw an individual, possibly the suspect, running toward the Garden State Parkway, which is near the scene of the shooting, RLS Media reported.

Authorities told news outlets that Dwumfour was believed to be the intended target, but have not given a motive.

The Sayreville Police Department, meanwhile, alerted citizens in a statement on Facebook of police activity in the area while advising everyone to avoid the scene.

video shared on social media by Charlie Kratovil, a journalist and the founder of New Brunswick Today, shows police at the scene of the shooting as a white Nissan SUV is being towed away.

Kratovil said on Twitter that he personally knew Dwumfour and described the councilwoman as “a very kind person and public servant.”

A huge loss for the Sayreville community,” Kratovil wrote. “May she rest in peace.”

Dwumfour, a Republican and political newcomer, was elected in November 2021 and started her three-year term after winning against an incumbent Democrat in the Borough of Sayreville. MORE.
h/t Brad.

18 Comments on Councilwoman Fatally Shot Outside New Jersey Home Was ‘Targeted’

  1. My first thought was that the race card was going to be played soon after, until I read that she was a republican…in New Jersey no less. I have revised my initial assessment to conclude that the democraps have taken election stealing to new an dangerous levels.

  2. MY wife watches the TV for us. I have asked her since Wed how many “news’ reports she has seen on this. has not made the “news” in 4 days.
    If you do not know why the “news’ censors this

  3. “Brad FEBRUARY 5, 2023 AT 3:04 PM
    This was obviously a hit or better term assignation. The price extracted for being black, intelligent and conservative. We should retaliate.”

    Problem: the Left has no intelligent people to take out – only evil and diabolical people. Given those parameters, though, it’s a target-rich environment.

  4. TommyBoy

    I’m more than happy with evil and diabolical. They’ve demonstrated time after time they like violence. Now days in certain areas you have a target on your back if you’re conservative. It’s twice as big if you’re black and conservative. You’re setting a bad example and that will not be tolerated. I hope you live in an extremely conservative area my friend.
    Contrary to common belief not all conservatives are pacifists. One of these days there’s going to be hell to pay.

  5. There’s one odd thing about this story: her NEW husband is a guy named Eze Kings in a “pastor” in…Nigeria. Me thinks this has less to do with politics than than a scammer from Nigeria:

    Husband of slain NJ Councilwoman Eunice Dwumfour posts bizarre birthday Facebook post:
    ht tps://

  6. No one will be arrested.
    No one will be charged.
    No one will be prosecuted.

    Her death will be summed up as “sumtime it be like that.” It’s New Jersey, after all.
    And a demonrat will replace her.


    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Brad,

    I have the exact same issues. The keyboards on these cell phones are so tiny my sausage fingers always hit two letters at once and autocorrect translates the error so badly I sound like the Pedo mixing up similar words. Takes me forever to post as I have to back up and correct every other word, especially participle’s and conjunctions l.

    As far as the murdered young lady is concerned we may never know, especially if it’s black on black. We have a serial killer of young women in St Louis but no one outside of us locals has ever heard off. 14 young dead black women and not a word from the national media.

    Why? Because the suspect is another black. Demonrats are the most racist motherfuckers alive. They give two shits about blacks killing blacks in thunderous waves across this country. They only care only about keeping their ideological slaves on the plantation.

    If this was a white serial killer the entire country would burn. Think about that hypocrisy, racism, and the extent the CIA controls the narrative.

    Which is why talk of retribution in kind is gonna get you double secret probation with the Alphabet Spies on this site. We are all flagged by the NSA, HS, and FBI.

    So don’t give the bastards a reason to scoop you up. Unless you are one of them and are just trying to get others to implicate themselves by sharing your sentiments.

    Either way IOTW critters be self aware, it ain’t paranoia if it’s true…


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