Counting and Counting and Counting – IOTW Report

Counting and Counting and Counting

Daily Fetched: Despite the Arizona gubernatorial election being called on Monday night, Democratic candidate Katie Hobbs’s ‘victory’ may not be final for another few weeks.

The race for Arizona Governor was tight between Hobbs Republican candidate Kari Lake, with a possible recount in the next few days.

Meanwhile, a group of citizens in Arizona released a statement calling for an entirely new election.

According to The Washington Examiner:

A new state law allows a recount to be made in an election if votes are separated by 0.5 percentage points, widening the possibility of a recount from the previous distance of 0.1 percentage points, according to AZ Family.

Christine Jones, a former congressional candidate said: “If it’s around 10,000 votes, certainly a recount probably won’t result in a change, but if your race is decided by single digits, like mine was, then, of course, you want it to be recounted.” more

11 Comments on Counting and Counting and Counting

  1. The template for this shit was the broad daylight Washington 2004 gubernatorial theft. It could never have happened without establishment Republican acquiesce and it has been expanded nation wide thanks to the Republican establishment.

  2. ^^^^^Mail in voting has to go. It will never go & that would be a nonsensical claim in the lines of horse shit. Again when a republican wins everything is just fine. Lose everything needs reforming, give me a f’n break with the nonsense. Hobbs was the clear winner, Lake is the clear loser just like Trump will lose again.

  3. pedo-rats need to count their opponents votes first in order to know how many ballots to create

    pedo-rats have had no consequences for election fraud
    we need to change that


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